Ghosts and Electromagnetism
Measurable Ghosts ( a personal theory behind quantifiable effects of ghosts and spirits)
Every event takes energy, from a simple movement to an audible whisper, motion, light, heat, even a thought requires a power source.
So what about a paranormal event?
Would energy be used by something that may have no visible bearing upon the physical world? In my opinion, the answer is yes.
Quite often we can measure what we cannot see.. using an EEG, we can quantify and measure a thought.. and scientifically, we cannot even prove a thought exists… “ What?”, you may ask.. ,” what then does an electroencephalogram (E.E.G.) measure? Quite simply, it measures electrical impulses from your brain. The readings merely show the effects of thought, and showing the effects of something is not the same as showing the thing itself.
So how do we prove thought exists?
We have to go to less scientifically accepted methods; Philosophy, Logic and the Historical evidentiary method.
Philosophy: I think therefore I am.
Logic: I had to think to come to that conclusion, so I am thinking, therefore thought exists.
Historical : I have seen the effects of thought, I myself think, and I have witnesses or written accounts of thought… therefore it exists.
According to the scientific method, you have to be able to study an object or small part of an object under laboratory conditions. It must be reproducible under these conditions by separate and distinct examiners.. Unfortunately most paranormal events do not fall under this heading.
In order for something to be quantified “scientifically” ,(according to modern theorists), you must be able to break it down to its component elements, and reproduce its effects. If you attempt to measure thought.. you run into a brick wall.. how about an emotion? Measure love.. or hate.. or a dream. You can experience them. You can see and feel their effects.. but prove them… sorry.
All Matter can be classified into Solid, Liquid or Gas.. All matter has a molecular weight. Yet there are things that exist that do not fall into these categories and are still measurable… Fire and wind are good examples. They are classed as events. Their effects can be measured.. but they have no component molecules. We can measure their energy.
The same thing applies to paranormal events such as ghosts, hauntings, spirits etc.
If in fact ghosts (or other spirits) exist, they would have to rely on some form of energy in order to manifest physically. By manifestation, I refer to any paranormal event caused by said ghost. In order to use energy, they have to acquire energy..
Where would they get that energy?
It has to come from somewhere.
Could it be left over from a previous time? They don’t eat.. (as far as I know anyway) .. so they have to get it from somewhere. I believe they get it wherever they can..
Statistically, whenever a place has reports of paranormal activity;
1. It generally has a higher background level of electromagnetism…
2.There is a higher incidence of electrical problems (lights going on and off, small appliances malfunctioning)
3. Batteries tend to drain quickly.
4. Cold spots occur .. sometimes not noticeable without precision equipment.
-What causes cold spots? Heat occurs from the speeding up of molecules.. whenever an object (or air space) cools down, it is from the slowing down of molecules. Heat itself is a form of energy, and drawing energy from an area will in fact create a cold spot.
This is all circumstantial evidence.. but it is all we have for now.
So how do we measure a ghost?
We can’t . but we can measure its effects on the outside environment. Using EMF meters, digital thermometers, air ion indicators, even radiation meters we can detect anomalies in what should be a relatively serene environment.
What readings on an EMF meter will indicate a ghost?
No one really knows for sure, but a rapid fluctuation indicates the presence of something. Some meters are sensitive enough to measure a human being.. (yes everything has an electromagnetic field).
I have read many things saying , “If the meter reads this.. “ etc but what you are really looking for are readings that shouldn’t be there.. Saying, “every ghost should have this much energy or it’s not a ghost”, is like saying, “every person should burn this many calories an hour or he really isn’t human”.
Baseline readings should be taken.
Will higher levels of EMF indicate a spirit?
No. In the case of “the Entity” (Ignore the movie, I am referring to the real-life investigation made by the parapsychology department of UCLA ) They used radiation detectors. The normal background radiation for the site would drop down to zero just before and during a paranormal event.
So how can you prove ghosts exist?
We cant. Not yet. What we have is Historical evidence in the form of eyewitness testimony and historical documentation. We have photographs (most of which could be attributed to hoax or random reflection.. except for the few genuine ghost photos that remain unexplainable), we have EMF readings (showing energy anomalies that cant possibly exist), we have recorded voices (EVP) where there was no one to produce the sounds... we even have video of orbs and shadows that shouldn’t be there.. but until we can convince a spirit to show up in the middle of sealed laboratory and to sit still while we have it examined, we wont have “scientific” proof.
But we will keep trying. The evidence may be circumstantial… But there is a lot of it.