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Reflections in the Mirror


An All Too Well Known Pain


Bottled Up

Do Not Cry

Do You Know Me

Missing You



Sweet Bird

The Mirror


What Am I

Without You


Forbidden Pleasures

Bottled Up

Bottled up inside of me
That’s where I keep it
Hidden from the world around
Bottled up inside of me
My little ball of rage.

I can’t let it out,
I can’t, I can’t, I CAN’T!
I mustn’t let them see my tears
I must keep to myself
Locked within this hell

Bottled up inside of me
The little ball grows bigger each day
It’s getting harder to keep it in
NO, I won’t give them the satisfaction
I will not let them see my anguish
I won’t, I won’t, I WON’T!
That’s what they want
My submission

But even though I struggle and fight
To keep my rage bottled up
I know that soon
My rage will engulf my mind
And may the Gods have mercy
On humanity when it does.