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by: Tracy Porter
Copyright 1998
While we go about our daily routine of work and occasionally indulge ourselves in a surreal type of elation through the fleeting feelings of love that we may have for our partners or children, there is one area of our lives which we usually keep all to ourselves. Our dreams are facets of ourselves which we keep hidden, only to on very rare occasions reveal to our confidants. So how exactly do these dreams fit our world as we attempt to relate our existence to the grander framework of the cosmos?
The number seven is associated with the world of dreams. It is considered to be the most spiritual digit in our number system and therefore tends to govern all that we give esoteric credence to. It has been used extensively in the allocating of orderly systems with the world we live in.
The old Testament, which is the basis for the three major religions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, uses the number seven extensively:-
Seven represents happiness, but unfortunately carries with it melancholy as quite often a sacrifice must be made before perfect unity can be achieved. Such high ideals can also lead to depression as we discover that perfection is rarely achieved and compromise must be enforced to attain equilibrium. Seven quite often presents us with a choice that we must make: while all options may appear desirable, some of them have hidden pitfalls so discretion is necessary in order to make the right decision.
Seven is the number of magic, occult mysteries and clairvoyance. It is considered to be a sacred, mystic number in almost all societies including Hindu, Egyptian, Greek, Hebrew and Chinese. It is an indivisible number and therefore compared to God. On the seventh day of creation God rested, so all things must therefore rest under the influence of this number in order to reflect and contemplate on what has occurred as well as what is likely to transpire. It represents the last step before completion and is closely associated with man’s life span of three score and ten years.
Seven is linked to the days of the week and each phase of the Moon lasts approximately seven days. Therefore, seven possesses some intuitive qualities which make it a highly psychic number.
Seven occurs regularly in the order of the cosmos as there are:-
Each letter of the alphabet is associated with a vibratory frequency similar to a specific number from zero to nine. The letters that are ruled by seven are G, P and Y.
G is the numerical equivalent of 7 and represents mysticism and religious experiences. This letter is imaginative, creative, and will look for alternative solutions to everyday problems. When it is the first consonant in a name, the bearer will tend to be intuitive, learned and solitary. Negatively, G’s are loathe to take even the best intentioned advice from others.
P is the numerical equivalent of 16 which computes to 7 and represents power. It carries with it a commanding influence and possesses much knowledge. When it is the first consonant in a name the bearer is likely to think of spiritual matters. Negatively, P can be totally self absorbed with little time to empathise with the concerns of others.
Y is the penultimate letter in our alphabet and is the numerical equivalent of 25 which computes to 7. This letter represents freedom and dislikes restraint of any kind. Negatively, Y can be indecisive and as a consequence may miss out on opportunities in life.
In the Cabala seven represents the sephiroth Netzah. It symbolises the senses, animal drives and passions and is the male force behind nature. Associated with rhythm, movement, colour and the arts. It is closely linked with Venus, the goddess of sensuality and nature. It should be noted that while seven is ruled by Neptune in western numerology and the South Node in Hindu numerology, in esoteric circles Neptune is considered to be a higher octave of Venus, so in many ways seven is exalted in Venus and can quite easily relate to the vibrations of this number.
In Tarot seven represents The Chariot in the Major Arcana which signifies unity within complexity. The archetype represented in this key has gained complete control of himself and has harnessed his animal instincts. He has learned to accept the rules and restrictions laid down by society and knows how to deal with any obstacles in his path. He is able to turn a situation to his advantage while still operating within the rules which he has agreed to abide by.
The day of the month we were born bears special significance to our life path and, quite often, gives and indication of what type of career we will pursue.
Seven. If you were born on the seventh day of the month you have very high ideals about how things should be and can therefore at times feel let down when others do not live according to your expectations. You can be emotional, and this sensitivity is often channelled through your intuitive abilities. You may at times feel misunderstood as those around you make false assumptions based on circumstantial evidence. You would be well suited to a career in medicine, pharmaceuticals or the cosmetic industry.
Sixteen. If you were born on the sixteenth day of the month you are somewhat of an idealist and can buck the system in an effort to bring about what you consider to be much needed change. Negatively, you may turn to drug abuse in an attempt to escape your milieu and if not controlled this can lead to difficulties in your relationships as those close to you watch helplessly. You would be well suited to working with water, such as in the shipping, fishing or leisure industry.
Twenty five. If you were born on the twenty fifth day of the month there is a very spiritual side to your nature which you will as a rule express only to your closest associates. You have somewhat of a philosophical attitude and may become melancholy when you feel that things haven’t turned out in your favour - particularly when reflecting on your personal relationships. Negatively, you may be prone to deception in order to get what you desire, but when others discover your true motives they may not be so keen to co-operate. You would be well suited to a role as an advisor, counsellor or healer.
The month you were born bears special significance to your character and how you relate to your world. If you were born in July, which is the seventh month of the year, you are genuinely sincere and this trait attracts people to you because they feel that you will listen to them. Because you possess a will of iron, you are able to use your drive to achieve goals. Home is paramount and you will go to great lengths to ensure the family unit remains intact. While you are generally considerate of others, you can react with more than a bit of cattiness when you feel under stress.