<title>First Rate Failure Online</title>
<body><!--Place this anywhere in your HTML, past the BODY tag.--> 

<script language="javascript">
function makearray(n)
     this.length = n;
     for(var i = 1; i <= n; i++) this[i] = 0;
     return this;

hexArray = new makearray(16);

for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) hexArray[i] = i;
hexArray[10]="A"; hexArray[11]="B"; hexArray[12]="C";
hexArray[13]="D"; hexArray[14]="E"; hexArray[15]="F";

function makeHex(i)
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      return "" + hexArray[Math.floor(i/16)] + hexArray[i%16];

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function fade(sr, sg, sb, er, eg, eb, inc)
// keep updating the background color
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             Math.floor(sb * ((inc-i)/inc) + eb * (i/inc)));

// The first six values are RGB color values,
// and can be edited. (Ex. 255,255,255=white,
// 0,0,0=black). The seventh value is a time
// value, which can also be edited. (Ex.
// 1000=1 second).
fade(0,0,0, 255,255,255, 1000);

// -->

<background="black"><center><a href="/punk/RivalX/FirstRateFailure.html"><img src="/punk/RivalX/Band.jpg"></a>
<center>Click one of those lovely mugs to Enter   