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Den of the Abomination's Soul

" Faith resides upon."
" Have linked thee."
" of a Twisted Mind."


Two in one day? Friends, I present to you the mircles of boredom, light indoor duty profiles, and motivation. Go me, down with you.


Shut up. I've given up updating on a regular basis. However, I have also decided to publish my book online for right now. It'll be coming soon within this year. Next month I'll be unreachable from april 15th to may 15th, so don't try to contact me. Well, actually, please do, I could use the pick me up.


Dear god! It's been almost since what, last year since I updated this thing.. argh. Must do more HTML


Yay. I find that if I don't bury myself in everquest, I can update more often. Rather amazing. I'm even having a rather long conversation with Bud. Things are interesting, but no one reads this, so who cares, right? Well, it's a good chance for me to rant. So booyah.


Update. Yeah. Anyway, I've discovered something of a gift from god, to me... and others of the fallout/Wasteland fan variety. A very well done Wasteland based MUD. Though, with my poor, poor connection, I can sometimes find myself with periods of lag where my entered data does not come up for five minutes... if anyone can give suggestions as to how to fix this, it would be greatly appreciated. 

Some new sections are going to come up, finally... I plan on implementing that nav bar I mentioned, or, I dunno, two years ago. I swear. A personal info section, a revamped link section, and a cam section to name a few. I'm taking requests if there are any. heh. , as always.

Started my long awaited return to the california public educatoin system today. First course shall be re-learning computer applicatoins, and in-depth coverage of the office suite. Yummy.




Major changes. Sorry about my site. Yesh, it's not updated as it should be. It will be, soon, and in a different writing style. New, updated links. ta ta for now.


Wow. Been a long time, eh gang? Well, there's a few reasons for my absense... My better half being the main, Work being secondary, and EverQuest third, of course. Anyway, I'm back, I think. If you're new to the site, congrats on finding your way here. Really. It's a good thing, I promise. And no, it doesn't spread through casual contact.


fuck you all! i'm going to start updating now! AND WITH CAPS. Fuck yeah.


"no! there're on there to find love! true love!.... and i'm just the bitch to chew them up and spit them out." -My Lady Darke Death, on chatrooms and sparkmatch


i just realized today that i'm a fucking genius.


well, here we go. finally got a job. customer support. huzzah. back in the biz though folks. anyway, this site's going to see alot of updates. well, when i'm not spending time with the wife and kid, and work. **shrugs** well, on recent news, my ciggarette's burning strangly..huh... oh yes, and if you can't tell, my html prog'in sucks. heh.


oh my, it's been a while since i've "updated" this site. sorry bout that. more stuff to come.
12/31/99 just sitting at home, waitin' for the riots to happen. please, i want blood! i live close enough to LA, i want riots!!
12/3-/99 well, i've decided to start updating. ;-) you can add this page to your bookmarks, it's the main page of this shitty site. i'm going to try to do the links page today. maybe add some actual content. and try to get a nav bar up. so have fun on the message board making fun of my site. :P
What, you don't like? go screw a goat.

All images, writings, poems, etc. are copywrite by their respected owners. If I don't say it's mine, it's not. If I say it's mine, it is, so fuck off. ESPECIALLY the works done by My Lady Monique, I'll hunt you down like a rabid dog if you try to steal her works.