Naughty, Naughty!

So, what the hell do you think you are, some potty mouth? I thought so too. But who really wants to read some gay translations... then again, don't ask where I got this.

Allumé - drunk, lit: lit up

Baiser - to fuck. This sense has almost replaced the earlier one of "to kiss", which in contemporary French is "embrasser". Do not use "baiser" to mean "to kiss" if you don't want to be misunderstood!

Bander - to have a hard-on.

Bigornette - cocaine/horse

Bite, Bitte - cock, prick

Bloblos - large, fat, drooping boobs.

Bordel - chaos, shit

Bourré - pissed, drunk

Branlage - masturbation

Branlette - a wank, an act of masturbation

Casser la gueule à quelqu'un - to beat the shit out of someone

Cette putain de machine - this fucking machine can be used in any phrase

Chatte - pussy

Chiasse - the runs, the trots, diahrea

Chier - to shit

Chinois - The Chinaman, i.e. a penis

Cigare - dick

Claire comme danse le l'une negre -clear as negro's ass

Clito - Clit de merde - bloody, fucking

doudounes - tits

fille -a prostitute

fils de pute/putain - sonofabitch

gerber -to puke, barf, hurl

god, godemichet -dildo

livrer aux chiens (verb phrase) + to sacrifice to raving dogs the end of the Mitterand régime, after 14 years of presidency for François Mitterand, were definitely marred by an endless list of financial scandals, both left and right. Several politicians even went to jail. Mitterand's last socialist prime minister, an unpleasant and ambitious yes-man who had become a reasonably competent but politically cloutless Finance minister, Pierre Bérégovoy, took the sound beating of the socialists in 1992 as his personal defeat...and felt threatened when it was revealed that he had not only been involved in shady deals to please the president's friends, but also for personal gain (primarily, an apartment in a luxury district of Paris, symbol of success for him, as the only member of the socialist elite who really had no advanced degrees and a popular origin). He committed suicide, and, in his funeral eulogy, the president launched into some stinging words against those who had "livré aux chiens" (thrown to the dogs) the "honor" of Bérégovoy. He meant, primarily, journalists. m MALPT! (Expletive) Used to wish someone tremendous good luck Abbreviation for the phrase "Merde A La Puissance Treize!" which is translated as "Shit to the thirteenth power". Origin unknown. Used as a friendly term. Example: a friend of yours is about to take an exam. You would say "MALPT!" to wish him well! maquereau (noun, masculine) pimp although the official word is "proxénète", noone but the cops and the courts uses it. A pimp is "un maquereau", and, when female, "une maquerelle", even "la mère maquerelle". Un maquereau is of course, literally, a fish (mackerel). See also "merlan" et "morue", to see how seafood impregnated French popular language, probably because fishmongers (particularly the female) were considered to have as colorful a language as mule drivers: "un langage de charretier" (a cart-driver's vulgar speech) is no better than "une langue de poissonière" (a female fishmonger's speech). mec, un (noun, masc.) guy, dude, bloke Said to be the Verlan version of "homme." How reversing this word produces "mec," I don't know. It's very common, found in print and rap music as well as conversations. melon (noun, masculine) + an equivalent of : a damn Arab! A melon is obviously grown in hot, Mediterranean climates. The metaphor is therefore easy to understand. There are numerous words for the group (albeit 5,000,000 strong) that racist French people despise as much as American racists despise(d) niggers at one point: "les bougnoules", "les bicots", "les ratons" - and, when they are of Arab origin and French citizens (the nightmare of fascist leader Jean-Marie Le Pen!), "les beurs", "les petits beurs", and their female counterparts, "les beurettes". merde (noun, F.) + shit merdeux + crap(py), shit(ty) (adjs) merlan (noun, masculine) hairdresser another word of maritime origin. Not to be confused with un maquereau! meuf, une a woman, une femme [moef] This is the Verlan version of "femme". The syllables are reversed, and "eu" is added morue (noun, feminine) + a low-level whore morue (originally cod), like "merlan" or "maquereau", is a word referring originally to fish. "la morue" was obviously the most common fish, from the Middle Ages on (the only one you could dry, salt, and keep for all those periods when you had to eat fish). furthermore, unwashed female genitals (and, from the 16th to the 19th century, washing was not a priority of most French people, rich or poor)definitely tend, after a few days, to smell in the not-so-refined way of not-so-fresh fish, be it cod or any other... Mouffi ou Moufflarge ++ A real fucking dick like a son of a bitch!!! moule (noun, feminine) vulva Commonly used. More descriptive (the female external genitals look like an open mussel, and somehow smell like it)than insulting (like con or cramouille for instance). This term has of course led to a lot of humorous double-entendre, as in the late 19th century popular song "à la pêche aux moules, moules, moules, je veux m'en aller maman...". To be pronounced somewhat like "mool" for English speakers. ménage a trois (noun) + threesome This term enjoys very popular usage in the States; pronounced "may-naj-sha-twa". n nique ta mère ++ fuck your mother very common in the suburbs, especially among migrant population. Can also be abbreviated as "Ta mèreŠ" noune (common noun) vagina, female genitals (Pronounced as noonn) commonly used as the word reffering to the female genitals. Used in a replacement for vulva in a normal non formal conversation. o oignon (noun, masculine) onion - in fact, the ass or the asshole The reason for the analogy is probably that they're all round-shaped. L'oignon is therefore the equivalent of "le cul", and, just like it, we can consider the whole or the part: "lui carrer dans l'oignon", in slang, is to shove it in her (or alternatively his) asshole. p papa - dad parachuter un senegalais (verb) - to take a dump, crap, shit Local slang used in Bretagne. Literally, "to parachute a Senegalese." Pede Homosexual applied to men only. Very common use. pipe (noun, f) + blowjob Faire une pipe: To give a blowjob pipi - pee, wee(-wee) "faire pipi": "to do/have a wee(-wee)/pee" pisser to pee, to piss More colloquial than offensive in French. Also used in senses such as "son nez pisse du sang" ("blood is pouring from his/her nose") poilu (noun, masc.) + a man who is a stud, a real hunk Literal translation: hairy, shaggy. Gay slang for men with hairy chests or with moustaches or beards. polichinelle (noun, masculine) a puppet - in this case, a duck although "un polichinelle" will be used in an amused way to indicate a kid, the full original expression is "elle a un polichinelle dans le tiroir", i.e. the equivalent of "she's got a duck in the oven" other words, she's pregnant. Just like periods were only referred to in an oblique way, well-bred people did not say about a woman (until the 1950s) that she was pregnant, except maybe for country folk who might have used "elle est grosse" as for animals. "Elle est dans une situation intéressante" was quite common until the 1940s. "Elle attend un bébé" would even have been too crude for children: they might have known that "les bébés" were not born in "les choux" (cabbages), or brought by "les cigognes" (the storks). Between males, however, crude speech was required...and "elle a un polichinelle dans l'tiroir" was, and still is, a common way to indicate that a lady is pregnant. pouffiasse (n.f) ++ bitch, hore Very rude : use it to talk about some (bad) girl but never say it to the (bad) girl herself ! poulet (n.m) cop (litt. : chiken) Cops know this word but hate it ! pousse-crotte (masc. noun) ++ push-shit homosexual - for men only :-) prendre son velo plonger (dans l eau) // to dive into the water (Didier est ce vraiment bien serieux??) putain + whore, tart, hooker Also used as an insult towards a woman. ++ bitch, cow, etc Derogatory term for a woman. ++ bloody hell!, fucking hell! As an interjection. pute ++ bitch, cow, etc Derogatory term for a woman. Short form of "putain". ++ whore Short form of "putain" pédale (f), serin (m), grande folle (f), tapette (f), (all nouns) They are synonyms of queer, gays, homosexual. Commonly used words for homosexuals. The word in parentheses refers to the gender. Note that the "grande folle" refers more to a drag queen. pédale queer, poof Variant of "pede" (qv). pédé + queer, faggot Derogatory term for a gay man. péter (verb) to fart When conjugated, this verb takes the grave accent in the "je/tu/il/elle/on/ils/elles" forms, but NOT in the "nous/vous" forms, e.g., "Je pète" but "Vous petez." The verb "répeter" has an acute accent on the first syllable and should be pronounced that way; otherwise, the unwary foreigner will utter "Repetez, s'il vous plaît," which means "Please fart again" instead of "Répetez, s'il vous plaît," i.e., "Please, repeat [that]." péter plus haut que [son] cul (expression) to have an inflated opinion of oneself. Literally, to fart higher than [one's] asshole Mon prof pète plus haut de son cul.= My teacher's opinion of his own abilities is exaggerated. See "péter." q queue + prick, cock Literal meaning: "tail" (cf Latin "penis" meaning "tail"). r ramoner (verb, transitive) to sweep the chimney - i.e., to screw the in-out movement of the penis into the vagina or the rectum is of course a natural metaphor for the movement of the chimney-sweeper's brush, as it goes up and down the chimney at the end of its rope or long rod. The phrase "en avant, Simone, c'est moi qui ramone!", although playing on the rhyming sounds of Simone and ramone, does not necessarily, however, indicate intercourse: it's basically a way to say "let's go!" with a little phonetic twist. Where the French use "ramoner", Acadians use "râper" (to grate), which has little to do with a tougher quality of genitals due to the Maritime climate of Eastern Canada, but the movement of "va-et-vient", coming and going, associated with the grating of potatoes for "la râpure". See Acadian/Cajun dictionary for additional details. s salop / salaud + bastard salope + bitch, slut se branler ++ to wank, to masturbate Literally "to wobble oneself". se palucher (verb, reflexive) to give yourself a hand job This one is easy: most verbs relating to male (and sometimes female) masturbation, unless they are elaborate metaphors (see "chinois" for one)are reflexive verbs, the very example of the poor definition French grammars give of reflexive verbs: an action performed by the subject upon himself. The most standard verb is therefore "se masturber", followed by "se branler", but "se palucher", based on "paluche" meaning hand, comes close as a common form for what priests and conservative psychologists came to call l'"auto-gratification" (self-gratification) during the 1950s. service trois pièces (noun phrase) three piece combo it isn't hard to figure out what the three pieces are: the prick and its two balls. It is another version of "la veuve et les deux orphelines", i.e. the normal male genital apparatus. The word "service" in this case is a metaphor borrowed from table vocabulary (utensils, tea or coffee cup with cream and sugar). t tante queen Derogatory term for a gay man. teuf (f.) party This is the Verlan version of "fe'te". The syllables are reversed, the final "e" is dropped and "eu" is added in place of of "e'". tirer (verb, transitive) to pull or to shoot The most common regular meaning of "tirer", i.e. to pull, can be found sometimes in popular phrases like the reflexive "se tirer la queue" (to pull on your putz). Most common, however, is the metaphor of a weapon shooting. Men are known to be fond of "tirer un coup" (to shoot their load), usually in an amorous battle on female battlegrounds. "Tirer" is sometimes used alone; it can also be used with other objects, like "tirer sa crampe" (literally, shooting to end your penile cramps). A bedroom may be referred to as "un champ de tir" (a shooting gallery). An unhappy pregnant lady may very well use it in a cynical way : "Oh, vous, les mecs, vous tirez votre coup, et vous vous foutez du reste" (You guys only want to shoot your wad and don't care about the consequences). trick (noun, masc.) + a man with whom a gay man has had sex This word was adopted directly from the American slang "Trick" with the same meaning. Another example of "Franglais". The word is used extensively by Renaud Camus in his novel, Tricks. tringle (feminine) + hard-on An erection. Used in the phrase "avoir la tringle" ("to have a hard-on"). Literal meaning: "rod". tringler (verb) + to fuck (see tringle) + to fuck (see tringle) trique (noun, feminine) a boner la trique is a whipping instrument: "des coups de trique" could only be erotic in a sado-masochist context. Unless we take the word, as is taken metaphorically here, as in "la trique" (a fuck), "avoir la trique" (to be horny as hell), the obvious reference being to the hard and yet somewhat flexible qualities of the erect virile appendage. The same idea of a hard instrument, as in "rod" in English, appears in a word phonetically quite similar to "trique" : "la tringle" (a curtain rod), the verb "tringler" being commonly used as a transitive verb: "il l'a tringlée" (he fucked her), "se faire tringler" (to be fucked). trou du cul (abrev : trou duc') + asshole Is said for a (male) person you consider as ridiculous or stupid. Handle with care ! turlute (noun, f) + blowjob v va t'faire enculer chez les Grecs! (verb phrase) go get fucked up the ass by the Greeks! refer this one to the verb "enculer" (to fuck up the ass), but consider it primarily of use between males: ancient Greeks were considered the ultimate paederasts, valuing highly the man-boy sexual relationship (women being there for reproductive purposes only). no wonder, then, that when the French want to get rid of a real the ass, they're sending him to the Athens of antiquity! va te faire foutre! ++ fuck off! Literally "go and get fucked!" veuve (noun, feminine) widow - a dick reduced to being wanked "La veuve" has several meanings in French, the two better known apart from its original meaning (a woman left alone because of the death of her husband, a common occurrence during the many wars of French history)being: a) the "guillottine", the machine made to cut heads at the time of the French 1789 Revolution, i.e a widow-maker; and b)the penis of a lonely man, reduced - like a widow - to solitary hand pleasures. Usually, "la veuve" can also be known as "la veuve poignet" (a widowed wrist, obviously the instrument of solitary bliss). She usually has two children, obviously fatherless, "les deux orphelines" (the two orphans), i.e. the poor testicles reduced to producing lonesome semen. Sometimes, however, a member of the female sex (or of any other persuasion) will come to the help of the poor triad and make "la veuve et les deux orphelines" as merry as can be. viande a pneus (driving expression) meat for tires pedestrian. Pretty obvious if you already crossed a street in Paris. y y'a du monde au balcon (verb phrase) what a set of knockers! French females are usually rather petites, and thre ideal standard for tits remains the champagne cup - a rather small format, as opposed to the ample breasts found on American women, for instance. "Y'a du monde au balcon" indicates that she certainly has an ample chest to greet males with...It is somewhat analogous to "Es gibt Holz vor der Tür" (there's a pile of wood before the door) in German. There are unfortunately less refined ways to indicate that ample knockers do not correspond to the French small-tit standard: "c'est une vraie vache (laitière)" (she's a real cow!). é étron turd Used in the literal sense of a piece of faeces. This is Please use the feedback page if you want to make a comment or a correction. Back to the Alternative Dictionaries Home Page TAD is edited and maintained by HC (