The Relentless Pursuit of the Weekend

Have you ever awakened on a Monday morning and gone: "Oh, man! I hate Mondays. A whole week of full school until I get off again!" Did I have to ask? I didn't think so. Now I ask if you ever say: "Whoopee! It's Saturday! I'm free!" Another dumb question. However, then you probably wake up on a Sunday morning and go: "Oh, man! School's in 24 hours!" And so somehow that stupid little thought ties your stomach in knots and ruins the rest of your precious day.

Then you wake up on Monday morning at 6:30 and BAM! the vicious cycle replays. And so the week progresses, each day one step closer to the freedom of Saturday and the somewhat free, yet somewhat depression-filled Sunday.

Not only does this repeat day after day, but it goes on for weeks, until summer begins. Summer, though, in a sense, is exactly like the weekend, but on a much larger scale. June starts and it resembles a Friday night, our first taste of the weekend, the farthest point before school once again invades our time. Then comes July, worry-free, and as close to Saturday as can be. The great thing about July is that you've already seen a little but of summer, but your fun is not ruined with thoughts of school ahead. August is... yep, you guessed it, Sunday's twin. August is our last breath of fun before we have to hit the books.

To sum it up, children (and sometimes adults) have to suffer through the endless cycle of work, play, work, play...

3 Of My Biggest Peeves

The editorials are all about complaints, so it gives a girl like me the freedom to display what I think is wrong with the world, or just the idiots who mess it up. And trust me, I can name a ton!

My first complaint is about the WWF and all its wrestling counterparts. (I'm not even gonna mention the ridiculously pointless "XFL") You turn on the TV at just about any time of day (or night) and you could catch at least one wrestling match. The fact that they all follow the same pattern drives me nuts, too. Two big greasy guys enter at each end of the stadium with their scantily clad "managers," a.k.a. supermodels. They roll their massive bodies upon the ring and start trash talking to each other, while their dumb fans scream in appreciation. They do a ten minutes phony fight, one person wins, and the other one retaliates with stupid insults. I apologize to those of us who, for some reason, are fans of the WWF, but in my opinion wrestling displays bad language, half naked women and oiled down bodybuilders fighting over their false pride. In a nutshell, wrestling is all of America's problems wrapped up into a convenient, one hour broadcast.

My second complaint is about shoe stores. I love getting new shoes -- who doesn't? It may just be me, but I always seem to have bad luck. First of all, I find that one AWESOME pair of shoes and usually one of two things happens. The problem that erupts more often is the size. It just somehow happens that out of the 2,000 pairs of shoes in the store, they never have my size. Number two is that it may just be the fault of the mindless fool who helps me. The clerk that "helps" me is almost always fifteen and clueless, because he has worked there for about two weeks. I say to myself, "HELLO, CAN WE GET SOMEONE OUT HERE WHO ACTUALLY KNOWS WHAT THEY'RE DOING?!!!" But, unfortunately, that never happens, because the dimwits who hire these kids only teach them how to work that little metal "shoe-sizer" and how to say "Hello, my name is so-and-so, how may I help you?" You can help by getting someone who knows what they're doing. After three trips to three different stores, I finally get my shoes. It wastes my whole day! I think we should get off school two days a year just to buy shoes: something like "Happy Shoe-Buying Day" or "national 'I'm-Gonna-Waste-a-Whole-Day-Buying-Shoes Day!" Geez, get with it you big shots in the shoe business!

My final complaint is about all these new names for old products. The one on the top of my head is are the names of soda. There are at least six names for each type of soda. Take Sprite for example. There's Sprite, 7-Up. Squirt, Slice, Storm, (notice they all mysteriously start with "S"), and the newly crowned "Sierra Mist". What the heck is Sierra Mist supposed to mean?! In other words, it's another way of saying Mountain Dew. Sierra is a mountain range, and Mist is the same as dew. I think next time I go to a restaurant I'm going to order the "Appalachian Fog." It means the same as Mountain Dew, doesn't it?

I think the imbeciles at the soda companies better pull it together, along with Foot Locker, Warehouse Shoes and Mr. Vince McMahon, before they start some kind of a revolution. As for me, I'm just glad to get that out of my system.

Dodgeball Is Not For Wimps

We were in gym the other day, and the gym teacher asked us what game we wanted to play. Unanimously, the class yelled "Dodgeball!" He said we couldn't. Uh ... why not? So he told us why. He goes into this huge story of how the biggamishotties on the school board think it's violent and it can hurt someone. Yeah ... we have dodgeballs as soft as pillows, that when hit with one, you can't even feel it! Then he tells us about some kid who got a bloody nose when he was hit. I'm guessing the kid was fine about two minutes later, and as my Mom says, "You'll be fine by the time you're married." So what's the big deal?!!!

I know we live in a little rich-kid town and nobody's exactly very though, and their Mommies and Daddies want the best for them, and that's great. However, all of our parents went through dodgeball and have all gotten hit once or twice and have shed a little blood. Whether or not the school board likes this, they're actually trying to shape us into kids who turn out like them or something similar to that! If they want that, at least let us do the stuff they did. Then maybe we'll get the chance to turn out like the character-filled, wonderful, experienced adults of their dreams.

I think that at the rate things are going, gym is gonna have kids in air-filled bubbles running towards a ball they cannot catch. They'll be screaming: "Ahhh! My bubble's out of air, quick, I'm suffocating!!" When that happens, gym will be stopped and we won't have to worry about anyone getting hurt, Scary, huh?

I realize that we're not gonna die or suffer without dodgeball, but at least consider the fact that we're out there to have fun, not make each other bleed! After all, it's a game, not a war.

Just so everyone knows, the goal of this article is not to make anyone mad or even laugh. It's just to force the principles and school board members to acknowledge the fact that dodgeball is a harmless, fun-filled, little game that kids love to play!

Social Groups, They're Out There

This editorial will be about social groups--you know, the groups of people that hang out together. There will be no slamming of any group (well, at least none intended.). This editorial, for the first time is going to be people-friendly. The main groups I have observed include preps, skaters, lone wolves, "seemingly rejected people," and gamers/sport players.

The first group, the preps, seem to own everything. They commonly wear Abercrombie and Fitch clothing, and seem to think and act like they are better than everyone else. They mostly group themselves together at lunch tables, recess, and at other times in the day. I have seen few "preps" who appear to have an ability to make their own decisions. Most decisions of "preps" involve asking their friends' opinions, thoughts, or having the friend put in one of those "what would I do?" situations. They are the group that is most commonly harassed by the skater types.

The second group, the skaters, seems to enjoy extreme sports. They are mostly interested in skateboarding, its aspects, and its legends. They may also be involved in gaming, but mostly seem to spend their time at recess pretending to be busting a big trick, or getting into mock fights. They also spend time harassing the "preps," or just hanging out. They are perhaps one of the most mysterious groups.

The third and fourth groups, if you can call them that, seem to have some similarities and differences. Lone wolves are not usually rejected by the other groups, bur choose not to participate with others. They seem to believe that in their own little world, everyone is happy and accepting of one another. Our president and most other world leaders wish that were true, along with hippies, but sorry folks, we're a long way away from that. But anyway, the lone wolves are honestly one of the most socially friendly, like the "seemingly rejected" group. The "seemingly rejected" group doesn't really have a choice of the group they get to participate in, but are forced out of any they try to fit in. It's this kind of social deprivation that has lead to murders in schools and other devastating events.

My fifth and final group is the sport players/gamers. These are people who seem to enjoy talking about current video games that they are playing or how to beat a level. This group is probably the most mixed group, and all the other groups have some characteristics of the gamers. The sport players talk about sports, and most commonly play sorts during recess.

All and all, I believe the divide in society is leading to our split in being something. I do not know what that something is right now, but this is eventually going to kill our hopes of working to be a truly united world. Good day, y'all.