
This is Koushirou "Izzy" Izumi. I like him. ::DUH:: Anyway, he's my second favorite, after Matt of course, so I had to dedicate at least a LIL part of this site to him, just cuz! Well, on the bottom of this page there's all this now and then bs, and some cool pictures. I never post stupid pictures, because I don't like the good guys to look crappy. Okay? Whereas other sites just post every pathetic picture they find, or repeat them, and say, 'Oh! I have exactly 724 pictures! Come see!' And they suck. Pisses me off.

Without him, there would be no DigiDestined, right? Um, ::AHEM:: anyway again, here's a looong profile I made up...

Season 1

Koushirou is the brains of the DigiDestined. At first glance, he seems like a computer nerd, which he kinda is, of course, but as the show goes on, there really is more to him than meets the eye. He doesn't really fit the profile of the nerd, because he doesn't have huge ugly out of style thick rimmed glasses and greasy hair. ::HALLELEJIA:: He spends all his time trying to figure stuff out on his Pineapple laptop. He also plays on the soccer team with Sora and Taichi. (??)

After Koushirou found out that his parents weren't his real parents when he overheard them one night, he buried himself in his computer, trying to forget what he heard. Finding out that his parents weren't his real parents was a blow to Koushirou, and by burying himself in his computer, he allowed himself to escape into another world and forget everything. In this way, for years, Koushirou learned more and more about his computer and became more obsessed with it, to become the genius he is now. Bla bla... When we first meet him in the show, he is already a very accomplished hacker who can get past any line of security, with enough knowledge to write his own software. His knowledge helps the DigiDestined out of many scrapes. He always has a theory for what's going on, and is an indispensible part of the group. Due to his intelligence, he recieves the Crest of Knowledge.

Then there's all the crap about how the people in Fox screwed up his age and grade between the Japanese and American dubs, and the two seasons, bla bla bla...

Koushirou was adopted when he was a very young boy by his distant relatives after his biological parents died in an accident late one night. Because neither of his parents had many relatives, he was adopted by his distant relatives who had recently lost a little boy of their own. In 'Prophecy', during the Myotismon Arc, his parents tell him the truth, and he confesses that he already knew. Right now Koushirou gets along fine with his parents and forgets the fact that they aren't his biological parents. He loves them just the same as if they were.

Koushirou is absolutely pathetic at insulting people. He can go on and on for hours about one topic that no one understands because it's not in english as long as there's someone there to listen to him. He has an unlimited amount of space for knowledge in his brain, which is good because he has a never-ending thirst for knowledge. He sometimes gets so caught up in trying to analyze everything that he ignores his friends and goes into what Mimi calls 'computer dark mode'. As long as he has something to figure/straighten out, he's happy.

Season 2

Koushirou is back again, baby! ^_^ He has grown dramatically over the years, but is still short compared to the other kids his age because of his slight growing problem. He grows when everyone else grows, but he's still shorter than everyone else. He lives with his adopted parents and accepts them as his true parents. He's also cut his hair and has to wear a uniform all the time. He's still the same computer genius as before, though.

Koushirou still likes computers and often stops by the computer club at the elementary school, where he is known as the 'legendary computer club president', or at least that's what Yolei calls him. He is one of the more seen original DigiDestined, along with Taichi. He's always hanging around the computer room or shown pacing somewhere trying to figure something out. He supports the DigiDestined a lot and is still the brains of the group, both the original and the new.

Koushirou now has an entire network of friends from all over the world, some of which he gets together with and discusses his theories with. He also likes playing trigonometry trivia on the internet all night and often forgets to recharge his laptop. He has something in common with both Yolei and Cody. They both look up to him and Cody often comes to Koushirou for advice. ::DAMN::

Ummm, I think I forgot the lil detail that I HATE adding... his Digimon is Patamon, then Kabuterimon, then Megakabuterimon, then Ultra... ::YAWN:: Sorry, musta dozed off...

Interesting, huh? That took long enough. Wooo. Phew. Heeheehee. HEHEHEHEHEHEEH! I like this. HAHAHHEHEHAHHAHHMUAMUAMUAHAAAAAHAAHAAAHAAA! Okay, back to reality, isn't the pic on top just ADORABLE? I think Tai was a little drunk when Matt snapped it... don't you think they'd be a better couple than Taito? I do. Koushato. Yamirou. Tight. Hee hee again. Okay, I'll leave you in peace, if you insist.

WWWAAAAIIIITTTT!!! You forgot to look at the pics! Dude! TRAITOR! *points at you* Oh well. It's not like I can jump out of your computer screen and attack you or anything. *Looks around and whistles...*

Way Back Then, Then, and Now. Cool, huh? That's his daughter, BTW. And his job. Hasn't changed much. GOD! People, I'm trying to make my site, and they keep sending me junk e-mail! AUGH! I could kill them. It's not like I can sit here and type when there's all this junk mail in my box! Pisses me OFF!!!

Fine, you self-centered perv, I'll give you more pictures.

I know, I'm a Goddess. Lick my boots. Kiss my ass. Whatever. Given you all these pics that you can't find anywhere else... YOU LOVE ME! You want to smooch me, you want to date me, you think I'm gorgeous... you know what??? I was bored last night, so I made up my own Digidestined with a digimon... my digivolving partner is Izzy, since Matt's partner is Tai. Cool, huh?

I forgot what I was going to put here, so bye! Oh, WAAAAIIIT again!