Answering Machines

Uh huh. Oookay, anyway, I made these, and they're all about... uh... what they would have on their machine. DUH. Okay, go on. READ! Puh-leeze, do not steal these?! Muahaha. Haha. Ha. What? So I'm not funny anymore?

Hi, this is Tai! What do you know? That rhymes!! Oh well!! Sorry that I'm not home right now but I'll get back to you somehow! That rhymes too! Leave a message after the beep or I might just have to call you a creep! *BEEP*

I'm not home right now so leave a message after the beep. Unless you're a salesman, leave your name, address and phone number so I can hunt you down and destroy you. Oh and if you're a robber, don't worry, I AM home. I'm just polishing my gun and cannot be interrupted. *BEEP*

Hi, this is Sora! If you're Matt, I will get back to you as soon as I could! If you're Tai, I'll get to you if I feel like it! If you're anyone else then leave a short message after the beep! *BEEP*

Hi, this is the Izumi residence. If you managed to get to my phone line when it's open, then you deserve to be able to leave a message. So leave a message after the beep. *BEEP*

Hi! This is Mimi! Let's do lunch! Leave a very short message after the beep! *BEEP*

Wow, someone is actually calling me. This is Joe and I want to tell you how much I appreciate this! Don't bother leaving a message because I never check my message machine so just call back later. *BEEP*

Hi, this is TK! I'd love to answer your call but I can't since I'm not home right now! Just leave a message after the beep in case it's an EMERGENCY!!! *BEEP*

Your call is VERY important to me and the only way I can know you called is if you leave a message including your name and phone number. Thank you very very much! *BEEP*

If you're calling for Davis, then leave a message and I'll call you back. If you're calling for Jun cause you're her friend, kill yourself and put yourself out of your own misery. *BEEP*

Hi, you've reached the answering machine of Yolei Inoue, to be Yolei Ichijouji in the future. Leave a message for me and I'll be happy to call you back!! *BEEP*

Cody is not home right now. Record your message for me. I will call you when I get home. *BEEP*

You have reached the home of Ken Ichijouji. I sincerely apologize for not being home. I'm happy that you have found it in your heart to forgive me enough to call me. Please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible. *BEEP*

Evil Ken

I see you have called me. Probably for an interview or autograph signing. If I care enough to actually do it, I'll call you back but I would prefer to avoid your trivial lives and pleasures. *BEEP*