Why My Site Sucks

Okay, I know the only reason you freaking came here was because you wanted to see what we all agree about that my site sucks. Right? Okay. I made these up when I was bored... ::AHEM:: Obviously, so, um, help me think up more. Actually, that kind of disses me. But oh well.

(These are in no particular order.)

1. I don't like updating. This could be a problem, since half the stuff on my site changes weekly! But, too bad.

2. I have a lot of broken links. Okay, not that many. But a lot that I would like to finish but take forever. I'll work on it.

3. Constant construction. I can never like anything just the way it is. Something always has to be changed! And if I finally get everything done, I think of something else I'd like to have on there.

4. Not enough visitors. I thought my site would be a huge knockout or whatever, but HELL NO. I haven't had it spidered to DogPile or AOL search engines yet, so no one can find my site, unless I put it on a webring or something. Actually, I have but it takes like months to get it through. SUCKS!

5. My site has SO many subjects that it's not just ONE THING, it's many many many things. So someone can't just look up 'South Park' and expect to find my site. Not happenin. Nuh-uh.

6. I'm always asking for other peoples opinions of things, and they never friggin give them to me. Example: Hey, people! Tell me what you think of this, or submit one of your own! It always falls friggin flat. Eat dirt.

7. Some areas of the site are bigger. Like, Tomb Raider, South Park, Titanic and Yamato are all quite large, but everything else is very small. I ask people for their shit, but Noooooo, they can't send it in, can they.

8. I need a counter. I could get one, very easily. But I'm too pathetic for that. I mean, what if they come on and see, 'Hey! Only one person has been here! It must be really pathetic.' I mean, come on. I would just like to know how the hell many people have been on my site! It's not like more than two people have signed my Guestbook.

9. No one will link me. Another problem with visitors. How the hell will anyone know my site exsists when there's no link??? And all the huge sites out there refuse to link unless you're this MAJOR site. Grrr.

10. The final peeve. I tend to make everything I say sound crappy. Am I wrong? I didn't think so. My humor sucks rats ass. What can I do about it? NOT MUCH! Can't teach a not-so-old-dog new tricks, now, can we??? NOOO!

Okay, here we go. If you just read the above crap, you would know that I'm about to say if you want to say why the hell my site sucks, SEND IT TO ME!!! God, give up your freaking -I'm-too-cool-to-e-mail-the-webmistress attitudes! It bites lardass. So pucker up buttercup,. and E-MAIL ME!!! WAAAAA!