Matt's Fashion

I put together the awesome and totally fashionable fashion of Yamato Ishida. We could learn from this young man.

This is Matt in season one, bad boy looks. Cuffed jeans, spiked hair, sleeveless turtle neck... just does something to ya. He's just so stinkin' KYUTE!

Matt in season two. Sucky school uniform, but it still looks damn good on him, and it goes with his hair. He got new shoes, thank God, and he finally let his hair cool down. Not that it didn't look good in season one...

Yeah, it's Matt and Tai. Notice how Matt's jacked is pressed, buttoned all the way up, his hair is gelled perfectly. Tai is the opposite. And I noticed how Matt's room is the complete opposite of his clothes.

This is Matt in a MAROON sweater. He's lookin' all BSB/Fred Durst or something. Kinda like he just got caught stealing drugs.

This is the point where he starts getting into black. It looks great on him, and brings out his eyes more. But this time he's Scully from X-Files.

OMG! It's lil Matty as a wiw kiiid! Isn't he coooot??? And his baseball shirt still matches his hair. I think everything does, actually.

When he's holding his crest... another baseball shirt. He must like baseball. But he never plays sports. Anyway, why doens't he wear this one more often?

Another famous black outfit, but this time he's looking kinda depressed/pissed. You never know. But I think these bring out the eeeevil in him. Hee hee hee. A little small, though.