Jag vet flera som tycker betydligt bättre om den här låten än vad jag gör, så låt inte min dåliga smak döma den. Jag tycker att Bengali in platforms är helt ok, men en smula överskattad. Jämfört med de båda inledande låtarna, så sprudlar den dock av melodi. Eftersom den kommer direkt efter Everyday is like Sunday, och precis före Angel, angel, down we go together, så framstår den som medelmåttig. Den har dock vad inledningsspåren saknar; både melodi och originalitet, så jag antar att jag inte borde gnälla. Låten har ofta betraktats som rasistisk. Morrissey förklarade sig såhär i Sounds 18/6 1988 när han tillfrågades om detta (jag tycker att han har väldigt rätt...dessutom gör han bort reportern ganska ordentligt, bara genom att vara ett par nivåer över honom i intelligens):
Was it intended to have a double edge?
"No, it still doesn´t, not at all. There are many people who are so obsessed with racism that one can´t mention the word 'Bengali'; it instantly becomes a racist song, even if you´re saying, 'Bengali, marry me'. But I still can´t see any silent racism here."
Not even with the line, 'life is hard enough when you belong here'?
"Well, it is, isn´t it?"
True, but that implies that Bengalis don´t belong here, which isn´t a very global view of the world.
"In a sense it´s true. And I think that´s almost true for anybody. If you went to Yugoslavia tomorrow, you´d probably feel that you didn´t belong there."
OK, bra jobbat, Moz...
Bengali, Bengali, Bengali, Bengali
No no no, he does not want to depress you
Oh no no no no no, he only wants to impress you
Bengali in platforms - he only wants to embrace your culture
And to be your friend forever - forever
Bengali, Bengali
Bengali, Bengali
Oh, shelve your Western plans, and understand...
...that life is hard enough when you belong here
A silver-studded rim that glistens...and an ankle-star that blinds me
A lemon sole so very high, which only reminds me to tell you
Break the news gently, break the news to him gently:
"Shelve your plans; shelve your plans, shelve them"
Bengali, Bengali
It's the touchy march of time that binds you
Don't blame me - don't hate me just because I am the one to tell you...
...that life is hard enough when you belong here
That life is hard enough when you belong here
Shelve your Western plans
Shelve your Western plans
'Cause life is hard enough when you belong
Life is hard enough when you belong here
Shelve your Western plans
Shelve...your...best friends
'Cause life is hard when you belong here
Oh...life is hard enough when you belong