Definitivt en av mina favoriter bland de tidiga b-sidorna, inte minst för att den handlar om patetiska Stones! Skönt. Suggs gör ingen besviken när han frågar Mick Jagger: "have you seen yourself recently?" samt viskar "get off the stage" och mässar "for whom the bell tolls" i slutet! Underbart! Texten är väldigt bra, och det finns en till aspekt, förutom att den hånar Mick Jagger & co. Morrissey kritiserades ofta i den brittiska musikpressen för att alla hans låtar skulle låta likadant, och det här kan vara en ironisk reaktion mot vad som skrevs bara halvåret innan, när Morrissey släppte den där singeln om den handikappade flickan. "Den här låten kan åtminstone ingen säga låter som någon annan av mina!", tycks Morrissey ha tänkt...ett talande tidningsklipp från en recension av November spawned a monster:
"...Morrissey repeats his tune endlessly (POP FACT: You can sing all Morrissey lyrics to all his 'tunes') and to tell the truth, this little ditty has just about been squeezed juiceless." / NME, april 1990
Morrissey ska få säga sitt han med:
"There´s a song on this album that has the Rolling Stones in mind because I´ve been so disgusted by their most recent comeback that I no longer find it sad or pitiful, I just feel immense anger that they don´t just get out of the way. You open papers in this country, and every day there´s this obligatory picture of, y´know, Mick-with-bags-at-the-airport, or Keith saying he´s completely normal now. They just won´t move away! The song is called Get off the stage." / The Face, mars 1990
Väl talat, undrar bara vad han menade med album. Den låg knappast på något album. Well, texten:
Oh, you silly old man, you silly old man!
You're making a fool of yourself, so get off the stage
You silly old man, in your misguided trousers
Oh, with your mascara and your Fender guitar, and you think you can arouse us!
But the song that you just sang, it sounds exactly like the last one
And the next one, I bet you it will this one
Downstage, and offstage, don't you feel all run in?
And do you wonder when they will take it away, this is your final fling
But then applause ran high but for the patience of the ones behind you
As a verse drags on like a month drags on, it's very short, but it seems very long
But the song that you just sang, it sounds exactly like the last one
And the next one, I bet you it will this one
So, get off the stage! Oh, get off the stage!
And when we get down off of the stage, please stay off the stage all day!
Get off the stage! Oh, get off the stage!
And when we've had our money back, then I'd like your back in plaster
Oh, I know that you say how age has no meaning
Oh, but here is your audience now and they're screaming:
"Get off the stage!" Oh, get off the stage!
Because I've given you enough of my time and the money that wasn't even mine
Oh, get off the stage! Oh, get off the stage!
La, la, la,,, la, um, um, um-ba...
Uuuh, um-ba, la, la,, la, um-ba, la, la, um-ba...
La-la-la-la-um-hey, ho-ho, hum, la-la-hum, la-la-hum, oooh...