He knows I´d love to see him

He knows I´d love to see him 3.04

Den här låten tycker jag väldigt bra om, speciellt det underbara svaret på anklagelserna i slutet; "I said 'I know I do'". Helt underbart. Lyssna förresten på när Morrisseys röst tar slut, när han sjunger "actually"...! Lite kul. Precis som i Sheila take a bow (där "and who loves you" uteblir i sista raden) ställs allt på huvud i slutet, där Moz (utanför texthäftet...) uppgivet sjunger "he doesn´t know" Flertalet Morrisseyfans jag talat eller mailat med har påstått att låttiteln (och låten) kan syfta på Johnny Marr. Inte omöjligt, säger jag. Polisraderna är i alla fall om händelsen när snuten genomsökte Morrisseys lägenhet efter Margaret on the guillotine. Morrissey kommenterar händelsen i en intervju från Q i september 1995:

Ever been in trouble with the police?

"Never. Well, that´s a lie. I was visited a long time ago about a song I once did."

So the 'Margaret on the guillotine' story is true?

"Of course. Yes, ridiculous grounds. But they don´t need grounds, they´ve got a funny little hat and a truncheon. They recorded a conversation for an hour and searched the house for a guillotine. Curiously, they actually found one. They thought I was public enemy number 27. And at the end of the grilling the actually asked me to sign various things for ailing nieces, which I thought was a bit perverted."


He knows, he knows
Or, I think he does

Cause when I lived in the arse of the world
He knows, he knows, he knows I´d love to see him happy or as close as is allowed

Cause when I lived in the arse of the world
He knows, he knows, he knows I´d love to see him happy or as close as possible
As close as possible
As close as is allowed


My name still conjours up deadly deeds
Bad taste in the mouth
And the police - they actually know me!

They said:

"You´re just another person in the world
You´re just another fool with the radical views
You´re just another who has maddening views
You want to turn it on its head by staying in bed!"

I said: "I know I do"
I said: "I know I do"
I said: "I know I do"

He doesn´t know...

November spawned a monster

Bona drag