Musiken är skriven av Andy Rourke, något man kan tycka borde ha fått hända även någon gång under Smithstiden, mig veterligen är inte en enda låt med The Smiths till någon del tillskriven Andy. Texten är en av de mest uppgivna Morrissey fått ur sig, även om jag inte riktigt greppar andra halvan av den. En rätt bra låt som säkert skulle bli bättre om jag bara fattade texten. Förklaringar välkomna.
Yes, I am blind
No, I can´t see the good things
Just the bad things
Oooh, oh...
Yes, I am blind
No, I can´t see
There must be something horribly wrong with me
God, come down if you´re really there!
Well, you´re the one who claims to care...
Love´s young dream
I´m the one who shopped you
I´m the one who stopped you, cause in my sorry way I love you
Love´s young dream
Are you sorry for what you´ve done?
Well, you´re not the only one, and in my sorry way I love you
Yes, I am blind
But I do see
Evil people prosper over the likes of you and me - ALWAYS
God, come down if you´re really there!
Well, you´re the one who claims to care...
Little lamb on a hill
Run fast if you can
Good Christians, they wanna kill you
And your life has not even begun
You´re just like me, just like me
Oh, your life has not even begun
You´re just like me, just like me
And your life has not even begun
You´re just like me, just like me
And your life has not even begun
You´re just like me, just like, just like me
And your life has not even...begun