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Last update: 06/13/2003 3:00 GMT+9:00

BOF for MacOSX/COCOA/Objective-C

I'd like to talk about Cocoa/WebObjects.
I will post my free apps for MacOSX if you really need.

mailto: Ryuichi Mizuno

My recent Freeware Lineups

  • Game
    Well known board game via network. Robot player is bundled for a LONLY guy/lady.
    You can add your own custom brain if you have any knowledge of OBJC programing..
    MacOSX BackGammonR09.dmg.tgz(667Kb)
  • Utility
    is fully compatible for It can read/post obsolite NeXTmail.
    In addition to, automatic filtering is available by custom query.
    And Japanese Kanji is well supported rather than
    I think it must be better for Japanese user.

    NETWORK wide paste board service. You can copy/paste text/image between your neighbour machines.
    MacOSX & X Server/MacOSX Server1.2 are available as server.
    MacOSX & X Server/MacOSX Server1.2/Win2K/NEXTSTEP3.X/OPENSTEP4.2 are available as client.
    MacOSX NETPB_MacOSX_R10.dmg(176k) Install and Usage

    Finder like GUI based FTP client. You can get/put files by drag and drop.
  • Database Access
    Issue direct SQL command to Sybase/Oracle/OpenBase/FrontBase.
    And results can be edited with GUI and be pushed back database.
    Especially, Image and RTFD text object can be stored threw GUI.
  • Internet
    Simple Web Broweser. Full scratch implementation.
    This is prototyping quality to test COCOA framework power.
    Though, enough to read online document, I think.

    Internet robot. It collects any resources which locates at the given site upto the given depth.
    Yet another WebObjects. Full scratch implementation.
    It is based on direct access. So easier and lighter for small site.
    Of course, session management is supported.
    Page custom behavior is embedded as page bundle.
    Scripting is NOT supported YET.
    Home Page Broker
    Mail based remote home page maintainance agent.
    Any contents, as long as MIME contents, even if folder, can be put onto user's directory at once.
    So HP creator feels no worrying about remote shell interaction.
    Mail Archive Agent
    archives mailing list mail with attachments as HTMLd and publishes them automatically.

    Thank you for visiting my page at
    Please come back and visit again!