This isn't an exploit persay, just a nutty e-mail from a young lady who is probably dead by now if she continued to ask creepy strangers for rides.

"Dear Jason, Hi~ this is charlene and like i got your email address from someone else.... that someone said that u might be able to help me.. hm i know it is a bit of weird emailing u like this but i really dont know what else i could possibly do.. I know that you live in Indianapolis right??.. hm have u ever heard of purdue university..? anyway see.. like.. ok it is kinda a long story but i have to tell u in short form first so u will at least know what's going on.. hm.. like.. I live in New Jersey.. but I am coming over to Indiana on March 20... and like hm you know I am really really really really scared.. cos see my parents didn't know that i am going to indiana.. first of all..okay listen i am not exactly running away from home.. cos i am gong back to NJ the same day.. ( i know it sounds extremely stupid.. but that's all i could do ).. and i have only exactly 3 hours to do whatever i am planning to ... and it might not turn out as i want it to be).. but i just want to give it a try.. cos it means everything to me.. it's my life there.. hm... like.. my plane is gonna leave NJ 6:45 and arrived at 8:57 so it takes 2 hours to go t purdue.. which is like 11.. and then my afternoon plan is departing at 5:03 which means i have leave like 2:30 or something.. i have exactly only 3 hours to do whatever i am dong i know it might sound ridiculous to you.. but it worth it... i am just wondering can you help me to find a way to get to PUrdue University from Indianapolis airport.. as fast as possible?? please.. and i got the airplane ticket already so no one could change my mind.. u know..>.<.. thanks for your help~.. ha~ and ur band is cool.. u know i used to play a little bit of drum too.. hmhm.. okok.. just stop here and waiting for your reply yours sincerely, Charlene MOMOKO...\(^.^)/"

This series of e-mails arrived October 2002:

"hey u fucking gay faggots have the same name as my band does...only you guys are all gay and shouldnt even be holding a fucking instrument....thats ok we are only 16 years old and i already know we can out play the shit out of all of you you fags better change your fucking name"

"this is jesse from the other and the better pizzle....change your band name!!!"

"This is the other Pizzle (The better one). We are telling you to change your fucking name because you guys suck and we don't. You guys look like your 80 years old mechanics who shouldn't be allowed to hold any musical instrument. You guys wear K-mart kickers and trailerpark trash clothes. You guys look like you can die anytime because of your age, So just give it the fuck up. You guys are so cheap, you had to steal your instruments because you can't afford them. You should support your families instead of your gay fuckin tattoo's. In the picture on your site you guys look like you just got done licking eachothers assholes clean. FAGGOTS like you are a discrase to music. You guys are too busy buttraping eachother, that some of you don't even have the time to shave. From all 3 of the better Pizzle members."

"hey guys its us....we are just telling you that we changed our band name...becasue we dont wanna get sued by you.... we cant say you suck, and you cant say that we suck becasue we have never heard eachother guys are grown adults and should have acted like them, but we should have acted like young adults.... i think that the name calling from both of us was was a complete misunderstanding on both be serious...honestly you guys are most likely wayyy wayyyy better than we are due to the much more experience....any way good luck to your band....keep in touch....-us"

The only reply they got from us was a message from Scoth explaining the reality of the situation with no mention of legal action. He ended the letter with "Fag", so I guess that means that we were not acting like full-grown adults. Anyway, their name change was really more of a "name change", and you can check them out here:

We figure they will move on to Creed, Phish, ICP, or whatever the fuck confused children are into these days...



Subject: An Fan has sent you an email!

Date: Mon, 02 Dec 2002 15:15:03 -0800

The following message was sent to you from a visitor to your page on is not responsible for its content.

Hello, I'm a professional talent scout with Trans Con Talent. I heard your Mp3's on and liked what i heard. Would love to set you up an appointment at our Indianapolis and tell you more about our company. You can get more info on our company at or email me any questions. Please feel free to email any questions you may have or to get your appointment set up at Thanks Rodger

Hey Rodger,

Which songs did you like best? The ones about getting drunk? Killing people? Getting drunk and killing people? Or is it just our glamorous model-esque looks?

-Jason Pizzleman

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