Mexico is "considered it's own little country," and Mexicans live all the way down til you hit Brazil. In Brazil they don't speak "Mexican."

Spaniards are from Cuba.

Black panthers are indigenous to the jungles of Cancun and are relatively easy to smuggle back to Indiana on a motorcycle (along with "some kinda parrot").

OJ Simpson lives on 86th Street in Indianapolis.

Saddam "blowed up" the twin towers because George W. Bush walked away from the peace talks.

Crocodiles are considered dinosaurs.

Las Vegas and New Orleans are states.

This one guy has a tremendous amount of sex and he's very, very good at it.

Indians practiced voodoo before the Americans even came here.

Acid is made out of strychnine. It was much better when they made it out of LSD.

Gettysburg is in Tennesee and it is where we fought the redcoats. Or the silver and blue coats. It may or may not be where Elvis is buried.

Wolf spiders are a dangerous hybrid that was produced in an Ohio spider lab that have killed over 200 people in that state and are now invading Indiana. The Ohio authorities used flamethrowers to burn down the forests that sheltered the spiders.

Lemon juice is a natural way to tighten up a loose vagina during intercourse.

Drugs are free in Amsterdam and it's where German people live, along with the Irish and Scottish.

Mars is the closest planet to the sun and it's "hotter than hell." Saturn is really cool because it's got 4 suns.

Goats are male, sheep are female.

This one fellow disected two baby killer whales in his junior high science class.

This same guy also is from another planet, was once stranded on an island, and was prince of Egypt (which is next to Africa). Before that he had his own African tribe in the "Shaka Zulu" days. Both past lives involved a large amount of sexual intercourse.

Adolph Hitler, despite being in his 100's, lives in an inaccessible cabin built on the side of a Californian mountain.

Marijuana is legal in the state of Ohio, however one is limited to three plants and can only harvest a half ounce at one time.

Judges will not let you divorce without a "damn good reason." If it is mere incompatability, you have to remain married until someone has an affair or establishes a pattern of abuse. Infrequent or one-time abuse does not count.

Ancient Egyptians began the black race about 1,000,000 BC. Julius Caesar was also a black man.

"Ambesol Man" was descended from apes.

