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Thats All Folks!

Hey kids. So after playing together for the better part of a decade, we've decided to call it quits. Our last show ever will be at Valentines in Albany on November 15th, with Fucked Up, John Browns Army and Lieutenant. $5, 7:30. Directions can be found on the Valentines website

Thanks a lot to everybody who supported us throughout the years. We've had a lot of fun & hope you did too. Me & Doody have started a new project called The Jury. (Yeah, thats a link to a MySpace band page...sue me, dickhead!). We've got demos available now, look for a record coming out on Gloom Records in the very near future. Paul and Zach are also in a new band called System Fite. Demos are available, though I'm not exactly sure who takes care of that. Keep an eye out, I'm sure you can find one.

Well, that's that. Thanks for sticking it out with us! Keep in touch!!
-Andrew, Paul, Sean, Zach