
Today was a good Day

How do I get started,
There has to be more then one Way,
Let the Knowledge flow,
Today was a good Day.

I thought that it was my time,
I had to throw in a little to Pay,
Let the lesson be learned,
That today was a good Day.

I am sure to have bad times,
It is not going to be this May,
I will face them when they come,
Today was a good Day.

People can talk about me all they want,
No matter what people Say,
I will still move on like nothing happened,
Cuz today was a good Day.

There will be the good times,
I just have to pick the right straw of Hay,
I may have got the little straw now,
But, today was still a good Day.

Today the lesson was taught,
Tomorrow will bring everything to Fay,
We will all soon learn that,
Today was a good Day!

By Chris Weis

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