
Night of Living Hell

You tried to be something your not,
You tried to be cool,
You soon will be caught,
But let me tell you You’re just the Fool.

You tried to fit in,
You tried to hard,
You are in my fucking den,
Here take my Card.

You said you were down with the 666,
You said you were the evil one,
I am the Fucking Devil,
By my hand you’re fucking done.

You thought you could get away with it,
You tried to play my Game,
You scared no one but yourself,
Mother fucker your just lame.

Everyone thinks you’re under a curse,
You thought you cold live like me,
Mother fucker you’re just in my hearse,
and I am the only one with the Key.

My acquaintance, my friend, My enemy,
Here comes my druids, take a look in the mist,
My scythe wont hurt I promise,
You really have got me pissed.

I gave you blood transfusions,
Tonight I make your Life of Living Hell,
You will suffer from my blade,
Soon you will hear My Bell.

Now not to worry,
People sent your family a gift basket,
It’s my special treat,
How do you like my casket?

I told you where you were going,
You are going 6 feet under,
Welcome to my world,
Soon you will feel my Thunder.

By Chris Weis

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