
My Life

It seems life has gotten the best of me,
I have had my highs and lows,
Life seemed great at the time,
But let me tell you Life Fucking Blows.

I meet this Girl,
She was the one for me,
I loved her with my whole heart,
She truly was the one Key.

We lived for the moment,
We didn’t care what others thought,
We said Fuck the past,
We never even really Fought.

My life was going right for once,
I knew she was scared at the time,
What I wouldn’t do for one last night with her,
We didn’t have a fucking Dime.

After she was gone,
I sat in my room,
I was lost without her,
I will set my Doom.

I had no cares in the world,
I tried to kill that Night,
I had lost the one I loved,
I wanted to give up this Fight.

She must have been there,
The blood flowed from the Blade,
Something kept me alive,
I felt like I was going to Fade.

I soon recovered form that night,
But what to come was worse,
Drugs became my friend,
Everyone thought I was under a cruse.

I abused myself with my new friend,
It was the best way for me to get by day to day,
It was meant for me to forget,
Only time would tell that I was going to have to Pay.

I decided to do something dumb,
I really fucked my Life up,
I got caught in the act,
Now I piss in a fucking cup.

I soon realized that my friends sucked,
In reality I was going to die,
Sure they made me forget,
But that was only when I was High.

I finally got clean,
I got out of that Pain,
I was able to think on my own again,
Now I have something to Gain.

I look back at the Past,
Everything I did was to forget her death,
I still say Fuck the Past,
But no drugs worked, not even Meth.

I sad my peace,
I live on the good Times we had,
She knows I will never forget her,
But forget the times that where bad.

I know I am here today because of her,
I tell you what seems to be really handy,
I will give you one guess,
It’s my Guardian Angel. Sandy

By Chris Weis

© Copyright 2006

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