
Fuck the Truth

Fuck with the truth,
You will only find shit out,
Why the fuck did I even bother,
All the truth did was lead me to shout.

You said that you would be there for me,
I found out that, that shit was a lie,
Instead you where off with my friend,
All you did makes me want to die.

Fuck you, I fucking hate you,
How could you do this to me,
I thought we would be to the end,
I guess we weren’t meant to be.

I gave you everything I had to give,
All I asked for in return was for you to love me,
I treated you like the queen of the world,
Bitch, give me back my house key.

You decided to cheat on me with my best friend,
What you did just put me in the mood to kill,
Soon it will all end for that so called friend,
Now you can tell me how you feel.

Fuck with the truth,
That way you can save your own back,
Cuz you will find shit out,
Now there will be no questions when you tell her to pack.

Live your life the way you want,
Who give a fuck if she starts to pout,
You are almost able to be free of all the lies,
Just be happy that you kicked her the fuck out.

Yesterday you put shit to an end,
Today is here to start out new,
Go out and look around for someone else,
You will see there’s more then a few.

By Chris Weis

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