

Life is full of Obstacles,
The Joy of life is to get around them,
No matter how hard it my be,
It’s the way it’s alwayz been.

If life throws you for a loop,
Everything in the end will be okay,
Say fuck it, and get back up,
It will all come to an end one day.

What you do from then to now is up to you,
You can sit and do nothing at all,
Like most people will do,
That is why so many people Fall.

What you need to do is sit back and think,
There is all kinds of stuff you can do about it,
You really have to decide what’s important in life,
Only you can get your life back up to fit.

Don’t let them walk all over you,
Stand your ground, tell them what you can do,
Its only money, it will still be there later,
So fuck the world and fuck you.

No mater how complicated life seems,
If you are strong you will find away,
Life is full of obstacles,
Just to see how you will be at the end of the day.

By Chris Weis

© Copyright 2006

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