
The Weekend Party

I welcome you all to come into my home,
There will alwayz be a place here for you,
We party every weekend to pass time,
there will be plenty of drinks here for you too.

We sit back and crank the music,
The people next door alwayz gets pissed,
When they knock at the door we don’t answer,
If you don’t show, you won’t be missed.

Everyone knows the way to the house,
Just look for all of the cars outside,
We have plenty of space,
Just call if you need a ride.

We drink the night away,
The cops get called due to all the noise,
We hear them coming and claim everyone down,
We explain it’s just the good old boyz.

So they leave us alone and let us be,
We get the party started again,
Everyone’s having a good time,
In the end we all will win.

The next day everyone’s passed out in the den,
The house is completely trashed,
There are enough liquor bottles to fill a truck,
The funny shit is the host is still crashed.

In the end the party was great,
Everything at the party was pre-paid,
Everyone was happy in the end,
Especially the people that got laid.

By Chris Weis

© Copyright 2006

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