Punktuation-Name of band?
Atom and his Package
P-Where are you from?
A&P-Philadelphia, PA and Japan
P-How long have you been together (cool question hey?)?
A&P-3 years
P-How did you all meet (you and your package)?
A&P-I paid money for him, and now I own him.
P-What are your future plans?
A&P-I want to buy a stereo system really soon because mine sounds like shit.
P-How would you describe your style of music?
A&P-I think I'd say they're punk songs that sound like 80's pop, but my favorite description is from a local zine that said it's, "retarded sesame street music".
P-Would you say you've come a long way since you began?
A&P-Sure. I like the songs better that I've written recently.
P-What is your most memorable experience while playing a show?
A&P-I forget, but it was really good.
P-What do you do away from playing?
A&P-I hang out with friends and family, and brush my dog.
P-Do you get naked a lot?
A&P-No. I hate being naked, and actually haven't been completely naked in the last 14 years.
P-Ever while practicing?
P-With the lights off?
P-Who are your influences?
A&P-People I hate a lot, and people I like a lot.
P-What's your favorite record at the time?
A&P-Belle and Sebastian's "If You're Feeling Sinister" because it is a pretty record.
P-What's your advice to everyone in the world?
A&P-Be nice to people who deserve it and mean to pricks please.
To contact Atom and his Package:
1904 Quill Lane
Oreland, PA
Be sure to visit the page at: