James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire

Golden gun:
Successfully complete the Trouble In Paradise levelwith a "Gold" rank. This cheat unlocks the Golden P2K.With this gun, you receive a silencer which the normal P2K doesnot have.
Information in this section was contributed by Roottap13.

To do this easily, get as much accuracy as you can, take as lesshits as you can, and do all the Bond moves (shooting barrels toexplode, shooting vital enemy characters and find secret areas).

Golden gun in multi-player mode:
Successfully complete the Precious Cargo level witha "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Golden CH-6:
Successfully complete the Precious Cargo level witha "Gold" rank. When used, this cheat gives you unlimitedrockets.
Information in this section was contributed by Roottap13.

To do this easily, aim carefully and shoot the men out of the helicopters to get the gold medal. Also shoot the gasoline tanksat the roadblocks and shoot the gas station's pumps.

Golden accuracy power-up:
Successfully complete the Bad Diplomacy level witha "Gold" rank. This cheat enables you to have greaterauto-aim.
Information in this section was contributed by Roottap13.

392 x 72 v2 7.18.00
Golden clip power-up:
Successfully complete the Cold Reception level witha "Gold" rank.

Golden grenade power-up:
Successfully complete the Night Of The Jackal levelwith a "Gold" rank.

Golden bullet power-up:
Successfully complete the Poseidon level with a "Gold"rank.

Golden armor power-up:
Successfully complete the Forbidden Depths level witha "Gold" rank.

Unlimited Golden gun ammunition:
Successfully complete the Evil Summit level with a"Gold" rank.

Unlimited car missiles:
Successfully complete the Dangerous Pursuit level witha "Gold" rank.

Rocket Manor multi-player level:
Successfully complete the Trouble In Paradise levelwith a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons. This cheatunlocks a new multi-player level. It is a large open area. Themap settings allow only rockets.
Information in this section was contributed by Roottap13.

Stealth Bond skin in multi-player mode:
Successfully complete the Dangerous Pursuit level witha "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Guard skin in multi-player mode:
Successfully complete the Cold Reception level witha "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Alpine guard skin in multi-player mode:
Successfully complete the Streets Of Bucharest levelwith a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Cyclops Oil guard skin in multi-playermode:
Successfully complete the Poseidon level with a "Platinum"rank and all 007 icons.

Poseidon guard skin in multi-player mode:
Successfully complete the Mediterranean Crisis levelwith a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Carrier guard multi-player skin:
Successfully complete the Evil Summit level with a"Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Rapid fire power-up:
Successfully complete the Fire And Water level witha "Gold" rank.

Regenerative armor power-up:
Successfully complete the Mediterranean Crisis levelwith a "Gold" rank.

Calypso gun in multi-player mode:
Successfully complete the Fire And Water level witha "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Full arsenal in multi-player mode:
Successfully complete the Forbidden Depths level witha "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Gravity boots in multi-player mode:
Successfully complete the Bad Diplomacy level witha "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Viper gun in multi-player mode:
Successfully complete the Night Of The Jackal levelwith a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Lotus Esprit car:
Successfully complete the Streets Of Bucharest levelwith a "Gold" rank.

Hint: Bad Diplomacy: Using the Q-Specs:
At a laser alarm, use your Q-Specs when you see a littlebox on the wall. Press the square button against it. On the leftwhen you are facing the door that reads "No Entry",use your Q-specs. You will see a door. Open it to find darts.

Hint: Dangerous Pursuit: Hidden area:
Drive until you are out of the shipping. Take a rightturn and you will see another street at your left, turn immediately.Keep driving until you see a lot of flashing lights. Turn intothat building and drive at full speed up the stairs. This willtake you to an area. Keep driving and you will go flying througha billboard featured in an intermission sequence.

Hint: Dangerous Pursuit: Hidden jump:
As soon a you exit the first tunnel with the two guardson the walkway, take a right, turn followed by a left turn, thena right turn, then another right turn. This should lead to anarea between two buildings with lights and banners hung betweenthem. There will be a Q-Boost next to a tree in the middle. Next,take a left turn, and then a right turn at the corner down theroad (not the turn directly in front of you at the road). At the next corner to the left, you should see a canopy with lights andanother Q-Boost in front of it. Back up facing the corner andgo through the doors at full speed. These are the only doors whichyou can go through. Drive up the stairs at full speed. You willjump to another building's roof. This building has armor and aQ-Pulse. Continue driving at full speed, and boost at the top of the building before the Q-Pulse. An intermission sequence willshow you crashing through the billboard in front of the Q-Pulse.Do this again and you will jump far out on the road, without theintermission sequence. This a good thing to do if you want armor,a Q-Pulse, or a little fun.

Hint: Evil Summit: Unlimited Bond Moves:
At the location where you have to use your Q-Remoteon one of the towers, you can continuously get a Bond Move fromit. Therefore, you will keep getting points for it.
Information in this section was contributed by Videogamekingvia German Rodriguezand RONDO.

Hint: Evil Summit. Shortcut:
Just stand at the start of the level and take out oneof the snipers with your Golden Gun. The man in the room to rightof you should appear. Shoot him. Then, take out the rest of thesnipers with your Golden Gun or sniper rifle. Next, shoot theman in the hallway under the bridge. While still in the area whereyou began, go to one of the corners of the bridge. There is anarrow sloping piece of cement that you can walk on. Slowly makeyour way down it. Shoot out the glass and hop in. This eliminatesthe need to go to the tower, using the remote, and dealing witha number of guards. If you are a good shot, this should only takea minute rather than three minutes using the regular route, andyou will have full health. Note: This trick works best with allof the Golden Gun upgrades.

Go to the beginning of the bridge on the right, near the greenboxes. Shoot out the glass on the first window of the bridge room.You can slide down the slope and jump in. It is difficult to execute,and you will miss some Bond moves.

Hint: Evil Summit: Survive towers:
Go across from the tower where you can ride to theother tower. When you land, do not ride the other one or you willprobably get killed. Instead, snipe the guards or ride the elevatordown and use the boxes for cover. After about fifty are dead,they will stop appearing. Get the ammunition and go back up theelevator (or if you sniped, ride it down). Make sure the doordoes not open. You must be good at head shots or you will be killed.Either way, you will get a Bond Move.

Hint: Evil Summit: Defeating Bloch:
After you shoot Bloch enough with your D17 to makehim use his jet pack and get onto the highest level, fill up yourown and follow him. There are four platforms, all connected bystairs. Get on one of the higher two and wait for Bloch to geton one of the adjacent lower platforms. If you are standing inthe correct position, you will be able to see Bloch's head butnot his MRL22. This means you can shoot him in the face with yoursniper rifle (SSR4000), but his rocket launcher will hit the bottomof the platform, not doing any damage to you. A few quick shotsto the face and he will go to the pipe on the top floor. Use yourQ-Jet to get on the catwalk in the middle that Bloch blew up,then use your Q-Claw to get to the pipe. Go through the pipe,pick up his MRL22, and kill him.
Information in this section was contributed by chuck hillen.

Hint: Fire And Water: Hidden weapons:
At the starting position, turn to the right and jumpon top of the boxes (by the armor). Scale along the boxes untilyou are on top of the orange barrel, then turn toward the othertwo orange barrels located in front of the white tanks. Next,jump to these barrels from the boxes. While on top of the barrels,take out your gun and look down. Jump and shoot the barrel. Youshould be propelled upwards. Use the Analog-stick to landon top of the two white tanks. Once you are on top of the tanks,select "Use". This cheat will give you two frag grenadesand an SSR 4000. You can now snipe patrolling guards on the rigplatforms.
Information in this section was contributed by dkkicks.

Hint: Fire And Water: Shortcut:
In the second part of this level (where the giant pumpsare located), instead of having to turn on the pumps, dealingwith killing everyone else, then getting the timing correctlywhen jumping onto the pumps, just refuel your jet pack. Standon the platform as close as you can to one of the them and useyour Q-Jet to get through the opening in the ceiling.

Hint: Forbidden Depths: Hidden message:
At the first station you stop at, there is a scrollingmessage which says "World Domination Seminar".

Hint: Forbidden Depths: Destroying automaticmachine guns:
To destroy the automatic machine guns, aim at the turret,or if you have the shotgun, blast them and the platform holdingthe gun.

Hint: Forbidden Depths: CH-6 Rocket Launcher:
Shoot out all four of the blue rectangular lights atthe first tram station where they ambush you. You will get therocket launcher as you exit the room.

Hint: Night Of The Jackal: Women in theshower:
Before you enter the shower room, kill the sniper andjump over to steal his gun. Enter the shower room slightly, thenaim and look through the sniper rifle at the shower.
Information in this section was contributed by connellyzoo.

Hint: Night Of The Jackal: Avoiding guardsin kitchen:
When you have to run through a kitchen and you willalways hit something onto the floor. A guard or two will rushin to investigate. You can avoid knocking those things over bypressing Triangle to jump over them.

Hint: Night Of The Jackal: Armor and weapons:
In the first part, after killing all the enemies, breakthe shop windows to find armor and weapons inside.

Hint: Night Of The Jackal: Bond move:
After killing the second sniper and using the Q-Clawto get on the ledge, jump over to get the sniper's gun for a Bondmove.

Hint: Poseidon: Computer screens:
All the computer screens show the oil rig from TheWorld Is Not Enough.
Information in this section was contributed by Delphi.

Hint: Poseidon: Hidden weapons:
Go through the small vent (use the Q-Laser to openthe door) when you enter the level. Shoot the man pacing the room,then use the laser to open the vent again. Next, use the Q-Decrypterto open the door to the right. Shoot the man standing there andpick up his gun. Then, move to the sides of he room. There willbe a PS-100 on one side and two grenades on the other side.

Hint: Precious Cargo: Quick helicopterkill:
After the part in which Zoe says "James, we'resurrounded!" and you drive to the right after eliminatingthe enemies, you will pass through an alley. At the end of thealley you will reach a park setting. Fire a missile straight aheadand slightly upwards as you exit the alley. The missile shouldexplode on the face of a building, yet destroy an incoming helicopterwithout taking the time to aim at it. You can now concentrateon shooting out the tires of the car that is after you.

Hint: Streets Of Bucharest level: Destroyingtanks:
You will encounter two tanks at the end of the level.Fire your missiles at the train that passes over head. Aim forthe red tanker car, and it will explode and also destroy the tanks.

Hint: Poseidon level: Alternate intermissionsequence:
In the room that has the switch for the Auto-Guns,punch out the guard to get a card key. It will be on the end ofthe table on the right, facing the main room. Then, complete thelevel. The intermission sequence will show Bond having some funwith Zoe instead of getting knocked out with the gas . You willalso start at a different point in the Mediterranean Crisis Level.

Hint: Trouble In Paradise: Avoid securitycameras:
When you have to get into the Identicon complex, usethe Q-Claw on the pipeline, as R explained, to avoid securitycameras and get a clean shot at the guard's head in the firstroom.

Hint: Trouble in Paradise: Hiding behindcrates:
When you shoot the chain holding the crate, and keepgoing straight. An intermission with four men approaching willbegin. They will look at the crates with the body armor behindthem. You go over to the crates, then crouch and hide behind them. The four men will just run right by you without knowing you werethere.

Hint: Trouble In Paradise: Enter the Armory:
Use the Q Claw to get up on to roof at the start ofthe level, Move right along the roof to the entry hole. Drop downthe entrance, turn and face into the inside of the building, thenhold L to crouch, and move forward with L stillheld until you drop down and are facing the guard with his backto you. Move slowly towards the guard, and once behind him, punchhim. He will drop the keycard for the Armory. Inside the Armoryare four grenades, armor and a rocket launcher.

Hint: Trouble In Paradise: Key card:
There is a locked armory to the left if you enteredthrough the front door. It contains grenades and a bazooka. Toget the key card, enter by using the Q-claw on the vent outside.At the end of the catwalk you will drop down and see a guard facingaway. Drop in, get directly on top of him, and hit him with yourfist. He should go down with one or two hits and you will getthe key card if you are close enough.
Information in this section was contributed by RapidRacer2.

Hint: Trouble In Paradise: Bond Moves:

Open the front door with the Q-Decryptor.
Use the Q-Claw to get on the roof.
Open the other large door.
Open the armory door.
Open the locked gate with your laser.
Shoot the canister on the back of the forklift.
Shoot the cable that drops a box on one of the guards.

Hint: Trouble In Paradise: Easy gold medal:
To achieve the Golden Gun bonus, get the gold medalon the first level. To do this, get as much accuracy as you can,take as less hits as you can, and do all the Bond Moves (shootingbarrels to explode, shooting vital enemy characters and find secretareas).

Hint: Multi-player mode: Using the Q-Claw:
If you turn the Q-Claw on, you can claw on to almostany surface. You can also use it to escape if you are being shotat.

Hint: Multi-player mode: Dungeon levelsecrets:
Face the three jail cells, then turn to the left andshoot the brick that stands out from the wall with the wood framearound it. After doing that, the middle cell should open, allowingyou to enter. If your character gets locked inside, shoot theblock to get out. To make a wall explode, go to the middle ofthe arena by going up the first set of stairs. Then, look at thelarge wooden door. Look to the left and walk over to the wall.You should see two brown barrels and some body armor. Stand backa bit and shoot the barrels. The wall will explode, allowing theyour character to get the body armor. Note: The wall will stayopen for the remainder of the match.
Information in this section was contributed by Robert Henry.

Hint: Multi-player mode: Spider-Man trick:
Go into a multi-player game with the Q -Claw enabled.Get a good supply of rapid fire guns and sniper guns. Go intoa room, look at the roof, and find a corner. Aim at the cornerand hold B while the Q claw is selected. When you get tothe top, do not release B. Look down and you can shootat the enemies wile acting like Spider-Man. You should have goodarmor because you will be shot at, but the enemy's accuracy willbe worse than yours.
Information in this section was contributed by AWSKI77.

Hint: Killing white snowsuit armored men:
In the level where you are supposedly a journalist,use a shotgun blast to kill the people with white snowsuit armor.If it misses their face, it penetrates their armor anyway.

Hint: Destroying helicopters:
If there is a helicopter shooting you, a regular guntakes a long time to destroy it. However, if you have a SniperRifle (SSR 4000), use it to snipe the man's head in a helicopter.For example, Mediterranean Crisis has two helicopters to be destroyed.Use an SSR 4000 on one, and the machine gun on the second.

Hint: Turn off alarm:
If a guard trips an alarm, you can turn it off by pressingany of the alarm buttons.
Information in this section was contributed by LithiumAbuser.

Hint: Bond Moves:
When you see a helicopter, destroy all surroundingenemies. If you have a sniper rifle, take it out and hide untilit stops firing its missiles and machine gun. Then, snipe himout to get a Bond Move.

If you are having trouble finding all the Bond moves, completethe game and keep watching. The game will go through all Bondmoves.

To see all of the Bond Moves in the game, get a bronze metal orhigher in all the levels to see a FMV sequence featuring all ofthem.
Information in this section was contributed by Cool106698.

An easy way to get more points is to take few shots, get morehead shots, do not use too much ammunition, shoot barrels withenemies next to them, and do special moves.

Hint: Easy Gold and Platinum ranks:
On all levels with Gold and Platinum points higherthan 90,000, just set the difficulty to "Agent" or "00Agent" instead of "Operative". The higher the difficulty,the more Bond points. For example, the Poseidon level is basicallythe same on any difficulty and you get more Bond points. Thistrick is worthwhile on levels from Night Of The Jackal and higher.

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