News Archive
11/10/01 Rumour is that the King Adora Radio One session will go ahead when another headliner is found. Fingers crossed.
04/10/01 As Weezer have cancelled their UK tour (rumour is that it will be happening at a later date though)including the Radio One gig on October 31st, King Adora will no longer be supporting them. R1 are currently trying to sort out a solution, obviously the boys could be moved to headliners, but everything is up in the air right now. Just a little note on Maxi @ Stay Beautiful on Friday, I went along and it was fabulous, he played great tracks including Guns n Roses, Pixies, Aerosmith, Madonna, Mansun, Manics. He stuck around for the whole night and kept getting acossted by screaming girls who would hug him and then run away screaming without saying a word to him. Thanks to Kara for the news
22/09/01 King Adora will be supporting Weezer on the 31st October for a Lamacq Radio One evening session. It will be going out on Radio One from 8pm or the lucky among us can get tickets priced at £15 by calling 0870 3331123 or visting gigsandtours.com
15/09/01 Its been a very quiet month on the gossip front. However, if you go to The Stay Beautiful Club Website you will see that Maxi is DJing there later this month.
31/08/01 All has been very quiet on the KA front recently. Some storming festival appearances and an open-air gig at the Edinburgh Festival. They have also started to record some new material. Due to holidays this website will not be updated for the next two weeks.
18/08/01 All the exclusive information about the Friday Night Explodes release and more is now in the FAQ section. Also this has been released by the band
The wonderful King Adora, fresh from Japan will be making a personal appearance to
give an exclusive signing session during the night.
12/08/01 I managed to get a short interview with Maxi at the Edinburgh gig last night. Full details of the gig and insider information on the real reason WHY Friday Night Explodes was released as internet only will be revealed....tommorrow. People in the chat room at 9pm tommorrow (Sunday) will get to hear first and it will be put on the site later.
05/08/01 Friday Night Explodes has been out for a few days now and as yet copies are still avaliable. You can view the e-card for the single HERE. New tour dates have now been released and can be seen in the GIG PAGE
31/07/01 There has been a press release issued explaining WHY Friday Night Explodes is being released as an internet only single. Read it HERE
and make of it what you will.
21/07/01 Some very strange, as yet unexplained news. King Adora are no longer releasing Friday Night Explodes as a commercial single. According to the press release (cheers Paul) 'Friday Night Explodes and a selection of new songs' will be avaliable for downloaded for free from the Superior Quality Record Shop and the Official Band Site from 5.30pm on Friday 3rd August. However, there will be a limited release of 2000 CDs released. You can get one of these from The Superior Quality Shop priced at £3.50 (+50p P+P). Make cheques payable to “Superior Quality Recordings” at P.O. Box 30859, London W12 7GH. They can also be ordered via internet from here from Monday 30th July while stocks last. CDs (both internet and mail) will be posted out first class on 2nd August.
The CD Track listing will be Friday Night Explodes, White Noise Babies,
Bionic (Six Million Dollar Mix), Saffron, Friday Night Explodes (video)
11/07/01 OK heres details of the new single out 16th July. Thanks to Paul from King Adora.cjb.net for the info. Artwork can be seen in the discography.
7" - Friday Night Explodes/Saturday Night Ignites
CD 1 - Friday Night Explodes/White Noise Babies/Bionic ($6,000,000 Remix)
CD 2 Friday Night Explodes/Saffron/ Friday Night Explodes Video
There is also an update on the Robbie hair 'situation'. Latest reports say it is now 'black and spikey'. All other reports suggest that T in the Park went great and if you watched the highlights on TV on Saturday you would have seen Matt and Robbie doing a very short interview.
05/07/01 I never thought I'd say this but - ROBBIE IN HAIR SHOCKER!! I have seen it described as being a bit like a mohican but less so. Kinda like Fran from Travis. Also it is now blonde! Any photos of the new 'do' would be most appreciated. Also rumour on one of the King Adora groups is that they are to do another warm up gig but as yet no details. More details on 'Friday Night Explodes' to come in the next few days.
29/06/01 Several small pieces of news. Friday Night Explodes was played by Nemone on Radio One the other day and feedback was asked for. Please email Nemone@bbc.co.uk to see if we can get the song more air time. Also a warm-up gig for 'T in the Park' has been announced at 'The Fleece and Firkin'
in Bristol on Tuesday July 3rd, ticket £7 in advance. King Adora are also in this months Rock Sound, a two page interview with Matt and a photo.
12/06/01 The date for the next single, “Friday Night Explodes”, is released on Superior Quality Recordings on 16 July 2001. It has been described by King Adora as “A speed and alcohol fuelled celebration of excess, placing drugs on their rightful pedestal. About sleazy club culture. About addiction. A sort of pre-band autobiography”
Also don't forget that King Adora are playing T In The Park on July 7th and the Carling Weekend on 24th August (Reading) and 25th August (Leeds).
Fianlly international fame beckons as King Adora play there first gigs in Toyko at the end of August. 18th/19th Summer Sonic Festival and 21st Liquid Rooms, Tokyo.
03/06/01 It has been confirmed by Hall or Nothing - the PR company - that King Adora will release another single next month. The release says
"King Adora, having scorched their way into both the singles ("Bionic") and albums ("Vibrate You") Top 30 national charts, and with a packed out London Astoria headline show under their belts, will support Queens Of The Stone Age on their up and coming tour dates.
They release a new single for "Superior Quality Recordings" in July."
01/06/01 The dates for the new King Adora tour as support for Queens of the Stone Age have been released. Full details of them are on the Gigs Page. Also last check I made Vibrate You had charted at 30 which is great. Its also at number 8 in the Kerrang Chart but as thats made it up it doesn't mean a lot.
21/05/01 The rumours currently making the rounds are that that 'Bionic' will be the theme tune to the new Spiderman movie and that Friday Night Explodes will be the next single from the album.
21/05/01 Debute Album 'Vibrate You' is released today! More details about formats and track listing in the Discography. You can see the e-card with details for instore signings for the album here. Also Bionic has now charted at 30! Well done to the band.
17/05/01 Remember please that the new King Adora single - Bionic - is now out. So support the band and buy it! See the Discography for further details.
13/05/01 You can now view the promo e-card for Bionic's release here It has details of the format, track listing and instore signings. Other than that, all quiet!
9/05/01 Poor Maxi isn't well. His throat, alas, hurts lots and because of this the York gig had to be cancelled. It has been re-scheduled to May 20th 2001. Also the band are being interviewed on 'The Evening Session' on Radio 1 tonight at some point between 8pm and 10pm so listen out for it. For those who haven't yet noticed King Adora are in this weeks NME, an interview with pictures and a (bad) album review.
8/05/01 The transcript for the interview is now complete and it should be here tonight or tommorrow. With only a matter of weeks until the album is released it has been announced that 'Vibrate You' will include CD-rom videos and a short film of the band. Also a website Vibrate You will be launched on May 21st to coincide with the album’s release. However, this link won't work until then.
2/05/01 The interview went ahead as planned at the Edinburgh gig last night. A full transcript and the story of the gig in full will be here within the next couple of days.
29/04/01 Some bits and bobs of news. The new issue of Vibrate the official King Adora newszine came out the other day. It contains these dates for instore signings
Monday 14th May - 4.30pm SOLO MUSIC, the Guildhall Centre, Exeter
Wednesday 16th May - 4.30pm ROCK BOX, 151 London Road, Camberley, Surrey
Friday 18th May - 4.30pm AINLEY'S, 10-12 Haymarket, Leicester
It also confirms the dates and formats of the new releases.
Bionic - 14th May - Two CD format and 7" - CD one will feature a re-mix of Big Isn't Beautiful and CD two will have the Bionic video on it. The 7" will be clear vinyl and limited to 2000 copies. Rumour is that 'Freak' will also be a B-side but not confirmed offically yet, although the band made reference to it as thr B-side at the Garage gig.
Vibrate U - debute album still to be released on 21st May
Due to demand King Adora have been forced to upgrade the size of the venue for their London show on 19th May. It was previously to be held at the Mean Fiddler but is to now take place at the London Astoria with its capacity of over 2,000 making it King Adora's biggest gig yet.
There was secrets afoot as on the 23 of April King Adora did a secret gig at the Jug in Birmingham. From what I can gather it was a small but very lucky audience.
Also the other night Matt and Martyn did an interview on London based radio station XFM. A transcription of the interview is avaliable from the Massive Ego Fanzine. I'm much too nice to even consider stealing it!
The band are all lined up to play T in The Park in July and the Reading/Leeds festival this August.
17/04/01 The interview at Edinburgh is 99% definately going ahead. So we need your questions!! Send them to robyn@mcmail.com
13/04/01 There is a good chance the previously promised interview will be taking place before the Edinburgh gig on the 1st May. It depends on several factors but fingers crossed....If you have any questions you would like to ask the band please send them to robyn@mcmail.com with the subject line "King Adora Questions".
11/04/01 Heres the details of up and coming KA releases.
SINGLE - King Adora re-release Bionic, on April 30. This was their debut single when it was released in May 2000 but it has since been re-record for this new release. No news on the B-sides as yet but the video is said to feature the band as 'semi-bionic' figures. Infact during the filming of the video the band risked arrest for 'breach of the peace' as the song was so loud it disturbed the area surrounding the studio.
ALBUM - The long awaited album will soon be with us. Its called “Vibrate You” and is released on May 14th by Superior Quality Recordings. It was recorded in Sawmills Studios, Cornwall and produced by John Cornfield and if past releases are anything to go on it promises to be good stuff. There has also been an apparant track listing leaked but not confirmed.
3.Big Isn't Beautiful
4.Friday Night Explodes
6.The Law
8.We R Heroes
9.Super Muff Diver
11.Music Takes You
05/04/01 There hasn't been much happening on the KA front for quite sometime now. With the demise of Melody Maker (RIP) they lost a lot of press. The tour continues to go well though and there have been a few instore appearances. The video for Suffocate is still getting occassional play on MTV2 but your best bet is to buy the version of the single with the video on it for your PC. I have got the OK from the PR company to rearrange the interview with the band that I promised to conduct earlier. So again I ask if you have any questions you would lke put to the band contact me on robyn@mcmail.com. Anything (within reason) will be asked.
14/3/01 Hello again my loves. Firstly I'm very sorry that the pages haven't been updated in so long but I have a very good excuse. Two months ago I was in a very bad car accident and I only got out of hospital yesterday for a home visit. I'm very bashed up, can't walk for a while and I missed the King Adora interview but I'm fine. I'm back in hospital for a bit next week so I doubt that there will be much updating done till after I get discharged but then I promise you all there will be a huge update done - including a scan of the get well card KA sent me. I hope your all well and have bought the single!! See you in a few weeks.
16/1/01 Just a brief update to let you know that by the end of the month King Adora Land will have an exclusive interview and photograph session with King Adora online. In a group venture between King Adora Land and Sweet Anorexia we are catching up with the lads after their Edinburgh gig to ask them all the questions you want. To have your question put to the band email them to robyn@mcmail.com marking the subject title "King Adora Questions."
14/1/01 Happy New Year everyone. Latest news is that the support bands for the up and coming tour are Crackout and Easyworld. These support bands can be checked out at their offical websites listed in the links section of the site. Also I have noticed some new live King Adora tracks avaliable on Napster recorded in Cardiff. Again I repeat please do not use Napster to provide yourself with free music, support the band and buy the records too!!
22/12/00 Some more exciting news!! Firstly I know that the new single, Suffocate, is now avaliable on Napster. Anyone who wants a download without being disconnected can add me to their hot list (user name - robynbray) and watch out for me to appear. It isn't very good quality as it has been recorded off the radio BUT its listenable to. HOWEVER, PLEASE DON'T MISUSE NAPSTER, GO OUT AND BUY THE SINGLE WHEN IT IS REALEASED AND SUPPORT THE BAND. Which brings me onto the second piece of news. I have heard from a totally unoffical source that the release date for Suffocate is 12th February 2001. Sadly as I have already announced here the album isn't due till the end of April, due to the record company pushing the date back. Finally there is some more news about the Scottish gigs. I have phoned both the Venue and King Tut's and they both confirm that they will be admitting OVER 14 YEAR OLDS to the gigs. All over eighteens are required to bring I.D. inorder to get a wrist band allowing them access to the bar.
21/12/00 I heard today that Dan was spotted at Trash on Monday (thanks Harry for the info.) I also heard that the Scottish venues (and for all I know all of them) have been changed to gigs with no age restrictions. Although I presume this is correct I would check with the venues before buying your tickets. I would also recommend this weeks Melody Maker as it has a rather lovely King Adora interview.
20/12/00 Join the King Adora chat session through the King Adora chat room on Sunday (Xmas eve) at 7pm.
click this and then on 'Chat'
20/12/00 I decided today that the news is going to look too cluttered with site updates mixed in with the King Adora news. Therefore, to see what updates are made to the site on a day to day basis (new reviews added etc) click on the Site Updates Link.
19/12/00 Exciting news!! King Adora album release date!! King Adora's debute album, title yet to be confirmered, is to be released on April 30th. From what I can gather this date hasn't been confirmed offically yet but it should be right.
18/12/00 There is now a King Adora site that offers King Adora related chat. The address is www.egroups.com/group/kingadora under chat.
16/12/00 Please not that King Adora will be featured in next weeks Melody Maker Christmas edition. As yet I don't know what the article will be - but they will be in there somewhere.
15/12/00 There have been some changes made to the KA tour next year. They are as follows.
The dates for London (Astoria) and Manchester (Roadhouse) have changed and the gig on Feb Sunday 4th is now in Hull - not York.
Also the new single has made it onto the Radio One buzz list. So get onto their website and get voting for it.
14/12/00 The new single from King Adora is going to be Suffocate. This song got its first radio airing the other day and it sounds fantastic.
13/12/00 A message from the King Adora lads
Date: 2000-12-11 18:56:48
Dear all, After 5 weeks in the middle of nowhere we have finally completed our debut album. Its as beautiful and brutal as we intended and we r sure its everything you will want and more. We will begin touring again at the end of January and will continue into spring and upto the albums release. There will also be an N.M.E brats show supporting our good friends Mansun at the London Astoria on feb 1st. It''s been an amazing year for us. Thankyou for your incredible support and letters. You''re all so fuckin special to us and we miss you loads. Happy Christmas and we''ll see you really really soon. love you always. K A..
11/12/00 Well finally, after playing around with the site for a while I seem to have found a format that works so I'm sticking to it. Rumour is that a title for the new album HAS been decided on but as yet it has not leaked out. Watch this space.
10/12/00 Please hang in there just now with broken links and the like, Im trying very hard to get everything fixed and filled.
7/12/00 Well today I finally got the majority of the site up and running in a fashion. I know its pretty naff and empty but give me a few weeks. Any contributors would be most welcome...