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This is a collection of Marx Johnson art done by you, the fans. Thank You for every single one of these...YOU GUYS ROCK!

(Oh, and just for the record, the "bigger than..." intro pic was done by none other than our bass player, Jason Allain.)

Jason Langley made this design and won our CD cover contest. This is the cover for our CD!

Our friend Laura Wheat drew this one for the contest we had.

another by Laura Wheat

Laura also drew this one for the contest and won. It will be on the inside cover of the CD booklet.

This incredibly cool design above was done by our very good friend Mary Peralta. She is the most amazing artist ever!

This is a picture from the game "Jet Grind Radio." Jake simply changed the design on the guys shirt with a program he has, but it's still cool.

The first fan art from someone we don't personally know! She's a totally rad chick by the name of Maria Cecilia Teresa Scorfina, and she's getting hooked up the Marx Johnson way!

One boring day at work, jason sketched this pic of the band. That's Jake on the left, Mark in the middle, and Jason himself on the right.

This is about 8 hours of Jake's life here. Mark is on the left, Jake in the middle, and Jason on the right.

a little sketch Jake drew of a rooster