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My House

These pictures are a little distorted but I'm sure you get the point!

This is my room.

This is my closet..very messy!

Here is my room with MNAC pictures! I printed them off their website and put them on my wall! There's also a UT hat. YEAH BABY!

I'm pretty sure my grandmother made this when I was born. Isn't it cute? It's on my wall also. Awww!

This is my's halfway clean! YAY!

This is my dog, Trixie, we've had her since I was in the 5th grade! Isn't she soo cute? Awwww!

Here is another picture of my beautiful dog!

Here is Sullivan, where I go to church and it's also the town I work in!

These are pictures of CUBA, MISSOURI! No, we don't have a Superwalmart! =(

This will take you home!