GLEN MATLOCK WAS THE SEX PISTOLS BASS PLAYER FAMOUSLY REPLACED BY SID VICIOUS.IN THIS INTERVIEW GLEN TELLS OF HOW HE ACTUALLY WAS NOT FIERD FROM THE PISTOLS BUT LEFT,HIS NEW PROJECT GLEN MATLOCK AND THE PHILLISTINES AND AND JOHNNY ROTTEN. GLEN WAS FAMOUSLY KNOWN FOR BEING THE FIRST PERSON TO SWEAR ON NATIONAL TELEVISION AND WROTE SUCH GREAT SONGS AS PRETTY VACANT AND GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. ******************************************************* COULD WE TALK ABOUT THE FILTH AND THE FURY? Yeah but not all night long though! JOHN WASN'T VERY NICE WAS HE. Lots of things get done in the editing and whats supposed to be the story of the Sex Pistols isn't, its the Johnny Rotten story. Everyone listens to his version of events but the thing with bands is that theres always more than one person involved. DID YOU FEEL LIKE YOU PUT THE RECORD STRAIGHT WITH YOUR BOOK 'I WAS A TEENAGE SEX PISTOL'? I said my piece in the book but the thing is it came out ten years ago believe it or not. Theres always a younger generation of people coming along and i'm fed up of people writing my life story for me when they don't know jackshit about it john Included. IS THERE GOING TO BE ANOTHER SEX PISTOLS REUNION? I doubt it not after the Movie. WHAT ABOUT THE QUEENS GOLDEN JUBILEE (THE PISTOLS CAUSED A STIR AT THE SILVER JUBILEE BY PLAYING 'GOD SAVE THE QUEEN'FROM A BOAT NAMED QUEEN ELIZABETH.) Well I don't know we kind of did it then its probably better to only do it the once. With Filthy Lucre it would have been good to do a couple of new songs, i thought we could have gone out on a comtempoary note but John was too lazy to write any lyrics.But you never know with these things. Its a nice little earner! STAY TUNED FOR PART 2 OF THE INTERVIEW WHERE GLEN TALKS ABOUT THE CLASH, RANCID AND SID VICIOUS!!! CHECK OUT A PICTURE FROM THE INTERVIEW IN 'PICTURES'.