my friends

here is a lil' cut and paste of my buddies and friends are all camera shy, and the ones that aren't are invisible except for these dudes, so what do you think?

kick him to the curb

This is Brandon Wayne Ruff. He's 5'4", 140 lbs, blonde hair, blue eyes, and wears tight wrangler jeans...yuck! he lives in Oroville, CA on canyon highlands drive. he claims that he works out all day and he is also seeing some rodeo chick..i don't remember what her name was....I took his virginity!!! hehehehe...wait, that's nothing to be proud of....but he's got i guess that's ok...right? if you know him, drop me a line :)...hehehehe....i took his virginity!!!!!! BUT YOU KNOW WHAT??? I HATE HIM 'CAUSE HE LIKES TO USE ME!!! NO MORE SHITTIN' AROUND DAMMIT!!!! Kí©k hï§ @§§ †¤ †h£ ©ù®ß!


i am with maria at graduation....look at me :) i look like a loser. i just probably stole someone's gown and wore it to make me look like I graduated...hey! who's diploma do i have anyways??? and where did the ballons come from? am i actually wearing something under that gown??? and why am i so happy? when'd this happen? i graduated???

Audit Chick

This is Cher. I used to work with her at Wal-Mart. She's so rad! She now lives in Sacramento. KICK ASS! She's so perfect :)

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