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This is our Tag Team for wrestling fedz we are in. One in partikular is muh boo Jasonz fed you kan find it at the link direktly under this

JaSoNz FeD

Real name- Alina nik- Aly

Height- 5'9"

Weight- 165lbs

5 Komon movez for Wrestler- Back breaker, drop toe hold, Sharp shooter, spinning heel kick, Baseball slide

Wrestlerz Finisher-spinning neck breaker followed by tilt-a-whirl

Signature Move- Missile Drop kick

Title Wrestler- Hardcore. Serious of the tag, a growing hatred for man kind glowz inside her. Yet a very cocky attitude. singlez and tag team with TraGedY - Together are Br0keN TraGedY

Entrance musik- Singlez: Lolipop Lust Kill "Like a diesease"

Originated- The downtown streetz of Jersey

Real name- Serenity nik- Seren

Height- 5'8"

Weight- 152lbs

5 Komon movez for Wrestler- Bulldogg, ddt, frog splash, missle drop kick, head siccors

Wrestlerz Finisher- Tranquil: An image of Sweet Chin Musik or Super Kick

Signature Move- Tragik: Throws her oponent into the ropes then proceeds into a sort of head sissors take over but twirls her oponent in the air spinning them 4 times and then slams them down onto the mat.

Title Wrestler- Hardcore a high flyer. Smart azz Goofster and Hater of most. singlez and tage team with HaTe - Together are Br0keN TraGedY

Entrance musik- Singlez: Arch Enemy "Burning Angel"

Originated- The downtown streetz of Jersey

Tag Team Info

At a combined weight of 317lbs

Entrance musik- Orgy "Dreamz in Digital"

Tag Finisher- HaTe bulldoggz an oponent ..TraGedY then proceedz a swanton bomb on them.

Tag Signiture- HaTe grabz an oponent and power bombz them twice onto the ground/mat then TraGedY proceeds into a frog splash on top of them.
