·†·ºKåGëÐ F®èéKº·†·

The ORIGINAL Kaged FreeK
Hey Hey! I am KaGeD FreeK. Otherwise known as Minn. No1 knoz mah real name every1 just callz me Minn. Every1 'cept Munchkin she callz me KlinGon Pig Eater, Hoochie or Klingkin. Mah real namez Sheilla but ya kan kall me Minn unless ya got some other alternative we'll diskuss it later and see what we kan arrange. Dude I'm now a licensed driver so watch out. Dont drive anywhere near Tex-Ass you'll arse will be run down I swear it will. But ya moving on. Ok I kame up wif da name KaGeD FreeK when I started RPin yah I know itz shitty but oh well suck it up deal wif it like a man. Mike mah lil pervert he kame up wif it. I think he had somefin else in mind but oh well it soundz kool. So it started as Caged Freak then it became Kaged Freak then Kaged Freek then finally it became and now is KaGeD FreeK. Well umm I think thatz all. Is there anything that I've forgotten?? Well if ya got questionz I'm easy to find so catch me somewhere just not on da road. I'm warning ya dont get run down. HEH!!!

im the one on da left not the best pik i got but deal wif it buttmunkee i aint got no other one =-P

This is my chat yu can use it. Hope yu dont mind the pics though.
My ChaT

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