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Quinta Capricornio- Complexo Turistico

What we offer!

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about our place in Lichinga
local birds
places to visit in Niassa
Courses offerred on animal husbandry, goat keeping in Southern africa, Solar Power, and more....
our offspring and friends, doing things...
more birds
Mozambique! All the info you could want!
list of places to stay, and contacts

We're in LICHINGA- the capital of Niassa province, Mozambique. Niassa is only now opening up to travellers and tourists, with fantastic places to visit, and amazing people to meet......You can get here from Malawi, via Lake Niassa on the Ilala ferry (from Nkata Bay via Cobue and Metangula, or from Monkey bay to Metangula)- by road (lots of public transport on pickups, minibusses, or by bus) from Chiponde-Mandimba. From Tanzania across the Rovuma at the coast and then through Cabo Delgado (Pemba!) via Nampula and Cuamba (road or train) to Mandimba and points north. -Sweetwater beaches at CHUANGA, COBUE and MEPONDA -Animal watching, and bush camping (with guides, so you dont get eaten) in COBUE, MAVAGO and SANGA -And one of Africa's biggest game reserves at MECULA. LICHINGA has nine million bars, good food, an enormous market, and much more worth discovering.... COME AND SEE!
