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07.21.02 - For some reason, the past two days or so have just totally sucked! I dunno why but bad things just keep happening. For instance, today something bad happened every five minutes so the whole day was full of sucky events. Grr. I'm excited for Tuesday though cuz my mom's taking me to see Rent. whee! Ahhh...Warped Tour on Sunday!

07.19.02 - I re-did the entire layout for the site today. It took a while but I'm pleased with the outcome. I'm really excited about warped tour this year. yay! I took a loooong break from updating the site..hopefully I'll find more time now. No money-back guarantees. I saw The Get Up Kids the other night. It was so good. Good indeed. Umm..what else.. I'm on my final warning with work. That's always good. I had to make an 'action plan' yesterday. I think I'm just burnt out since I've been working 5-6 days a week for a year straight with no vacation what so ever. I'm trying to get like a week off soon so I can go down to Florida and relax for a while. Yep. That's enough for now.

05.07.02 - Long time no update. Well to sum things up so sucks, I dropped outta school, and guys still bug me for the most part. details detail details. First is work - most days, I hate work. There are those exceptional days where it's mildly fun (like on sunday night when Josh & I threw tape balls at each other all night and basically just goofed off the whole time). I'm really surprised we didn't get caught. They hired some new people (Josh included) and they all seem pretty cool so I'm happy with that. Second is school - I dropped out in February. I just wasn't getting anywhere and I lacked some credits & standards that I couldn't make up (they didn't offer the right classes). So that's basically my schooling situation. I dunno what I'm gonna do now. Last is guys - damn. I think 'damn' covers that subject pretty well. I can't really think of much else...I've become kinda obsessed with going to shows lately. It seems like there's at least one every week..yay. That's it. Maybe I'll update again sometime within the next couple months. heh

12.05.01 - ugh ugh ugh. I hate school so much! I have to FORCE myself to go...when I decide to go at all. People are just so damn annoying. It's like no one cares if they have any self identity, they just wanna make sure they look exactly like every other person walking down the halls. And then when they see someone else wearing that same Abercrombie shirt as them, they flip out and go, "omg, like everyone has this shirt! what the hell?!" hmm... i wonder why everyone has that same shirt. Oh I remember, because you're all a bunch of sheep! Urgh. It just bugs me. Then there's all the really stuck up annoying bitchy chicks (also sheep) who think they're god's gift and everyone should bow bout no. What, this whole not having a car thing kinda blows. Uhh...withdrawal..that's a bitch. Hm, oh and guys bug me always. But I think that's basically it. Baah-EeeH

11.15.01 - wow...been a month since I ranted. eek. well, school sucks giant goat balls..I hafta retake health class which is a sophomore class & I'm a senior (urgh). I haven't been to school in a while so I've only been to my classes once this term - is this a bad thing? probably, but I really don't feel like going back & you can't make me! :p Anyway, sucks midget goat balls. It's always fun when one of the big bosses hates you - am I right? The people I work with are cool and they keep hiring new people whom I hope will be somewhat cool to hangout with...I dunno. And of course Josh was cool but he got sick and disappeared. And I was told to call him but I think that'd be weird so I'm probably not gonna. I don't really have anything else to rant about.

10.15.01 - This'll probably be a long one cuz I have lots 'o' topics.

  • First thing..I was too tired to go to school this morning cuz I was out late last night seeing that wierd ass movie Joy Ride w/some people. Well, I forgot that today we had a service project for internship & it's bad that I missed it. Eek.
  • My knee hurts...thank you Josh
  • Ever just wanna get out of your bunk world and run away for a week or so? Well that's me. I wanna get outta here so bad. But of course, I can't. So that just blows. I was gonna leave this Thursday & be gone for a while.. well that's not gonna happen anymore. So now I'm stuck here. Suck.
  • Last but not least...guys. Do guys not know how a phone works? Basically just guys in general.
  • 10.14.01 - What bugs me? Well probably the fact that I'm yet to find a guy who likes me...I mean actually likes me for me as a person and doesn't just wanna fuck me. I know that probably sounds really cocky but I'm seriously the least cocky person ever & it's a proven fact that all guys want is sex. I dunno why they can't be normal people and have feelings for someone without the constant idea of sex floating through their minds. Well that's enough guy ranting for me..I gotta go to work now & put up with guys all day. Oh joy.

    10.11.01 - Suck! When you want something, but you don't want to want it. Make sense? Of course it does. And when you do something or say something and then wonder if you said or did the right thing..or if you should've said or done the opposite of what you did do or say. hah Got ya confused yet?? Cuz I'm confusing myself. Anyway, I'll just sit here in SuckyMcSuckville wondering what the hell I should or shouldn't have said or done.

    10.2.01 - Ok, I'm at kind of a crossroads...I mean, what do you do when you like someone, alot, and even though people tell you that you shouldn't, you can't help it. And even though that person puts you under stress for different things, and even though they may do certain things that don't make sense or are completely can't help but have feelings for them anyway. I, right now, am at a crossroads of emotions and I don't know what I'm supposed to do or which direction I should go. My head is all jumbled up & I don't really know how to articulate my thoughts but basically, I'm just frustrated & a little confused. If you're reading this, I don't hate you but at the same time, I don't have my full confidence in you anymore...and I'm curious as to the events that played out over this past weekend but at the same time, I might not wanna know. I don't know what role I play in your life nor the role she plays...and that's mainly what I'm wondering right now. That's it, I've said enough.

    9.27.01 - I have a strong dislike for's not really to the point of hating everyone but it's really close. Some people just really confuse me with things and even though they might not realize it, they're stressing me out. It'd be nice to have the ability to read understand why people do some of the things they do and to find out if they know how much of an impact they can have on one person - good or bad. It's like I said before, people in general don't think about how their actions can affect someone else. Specifics are a bitch...basically just don't fuck with people's emotions. Oh, and make sure if you're done dating someone that you actually break up with them and not just assume they know and start seeing someone else. Distance doesn't create opportunity for new relationships if one isn't fully over - pick one. I'm starting to get angry & more specific so I'll just end this here.

    9.22.01 -'s been a while since i added something to this page but magically things still piss me off, crazy i know! what's really pissing me off lately is work...actually it's not the work as much as it's the people at work. i won't name names but certain little bitches have some kinda problem w/me and feel the need to talk shit & make me look bad in front of every boss possible. i dunno what the hell i did to create so much hatred toward me but it's getting really annoying how childish some people are. and the other thing that bugs me about work are some of the the ones that feel the need to hit on you constantly or check you out when you walk by - i'm not flirting with you, i'm only saying hi because it's my job. and it's always the most creepy guys who feel the need to stand really close when you look something up on the computer for em. overall, i'd say work sucks. it's really bad when there's only like 3 people that you work with that you don't hate.

    8.24.01 - So many big thing is that it's so hard to tell who your true friends are. People stab each other in the back way too much and it's just so stupid. I won't go into specifics but some people are so fucked up. They need to get off their high horse, stop putting everyone down, stop lying, and stop trying to steal what someone else has. You can use your imagination for that last part. Also, just because a person's not there doesn't give you the right to put them down. Some people can't help how they are and they shouldn't be dragged through the mud because of it. Another shouldn't pass judgment on someone you don't even know. For instance, people who feel the need to email me or sign the guestbook and talk shit. For real, fuck you. I really don't care what you're saying since you don't even know me. And uh, to the people who are anonymous in their messages... you're really lame. At least have the balls to sign your name or something. It doesn't really matter though so whatever. So anyway, a big fuck you to everyone who deserves it.

    8.18.01 - Water dripping from the ceiling. That's what pisses me off right now. It sounds stupid but it really sucks when you're sitting here working on the website at 2 in the morning and you all of a sudden hear ya look around & follow the sound only to find that there's puddles of water on various the stereo, table, piano, and like 50 other things. And no, it doesn't leak cuz I live in a shack (heh) it's cuz of the way the roof is designed. Yup, rain just sucks.

    7.30.01 - Why do people always assume things?? Like, they assume you act a certain way or do certain things because of how you dress or what kinda music you listen to. And I can't stand it when people think they know everything about everyone and that there's no way they could be wrong. I guess people are gonna have their own opinions about stuff but before you make snap judgments about someone, you should get to know the person first. Basically, don't bitch at me about not IMing you back within seconds and don't think I'm cocky or think less of other people cuz you don't even have a know who you are & if you knew me at all, you'd know that I'm not ignoring you I've just had a lot goin on.

    7.25.01 - broken promises and empty words. Basically people in general are drivin me nuts. It's like everyone doesn't give a shit about other people and how their actions affect someone else. And I think a lot of people need a reality check so they can realize that they're not the center of the universe and that they're...well, assholes. Oh, and if u say ur gonna do somethin for someone else, u should actually do it and not just fuck around and stress people out over it. Basically people are fucked up in big ways...and it's annoying.

    7.21.01 - So..I'm really gettin sick of internet people. Some of em are ok but most are just annoying the crap outta me! First of all, it's the same convo over & over again and sometimes ya even get the nasty horny people who start talkin all weird. I think it's sooo dumb when net guys wanna know what you're wearin or whatever..cuz either way they're gonna use their imagination! AND..when they ask if ya got a boyfriend...does it matter?? Ya live 500000 miles away so the answer isn't gonna affect you in any way at all.

    7.14.01 - Today wut really pisses me off is that Warped Tour was here & I didn't get to go. Like all my fave bands were there...even Blink, but I couldn't go. That just blows. I know some people who went though so I'm sure I'll hear about how it went & everything but it's just not the same cuz omg it would've been so awesome to see some of those bands play live. But anyway, shit happens so whatever.