about us

this is us. were all in year 12 at skool about to do our AS levels so fitting in practice and study is kinda hard but we practice. We practice in my charlies garage because her house is so cool..its big with a swimming pool and its gonna be in our first vid i promise. i always wanted the first band i was in to be called bad habit dunno why probably came to me in a dream.im gonna try and put some of our new tunes and music on here when i learn to work it.anyways our favourite music is punk and ska so if u ever have time download and buy loads of it so we come into a big money making industry lol. so to end a shout out to the the people that know us and a bigger shout out to steven my bf and rolph charlies bf and to all the guys that love emily there are too many of them maybe u reading this could be emilys next target lol. bye bye *kisses and hugs* xx

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