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Chester's Bio


Chester Bennington (Vocals)

Date of Birth: 3/20/76


* Chester has a tattoo on his left calf muscle of the soldier with wings from the "Hybrid Theory" CD cover. The flames on his arms represent the Aries part of his fire sign. His left shoulder has a Piscean symbol and a Japanese Koi carp on his right. His back piece is six arms spread out and was done by his friend who said it was a visual representation of how Chester reaches out and grabs the audience. All of Chester's tattoos symbolize something. His left hand has his engagement finger tattooed and his wife, Samantha, has the same tattoo. And they did it before Pamela and Tommy Lee. They got tattoos because Chester couldn't afford a ring and his friend (Sean from Grey Daze) had a tattoo shop and did them for free. He thinks tattoos are really painful but also really beautiful. Go to the pictures page to see Chester's tattoos.


* When Chester was young, he'd sing around the house, dreaming he was the fifth member of Depeche Mode.


* Chester has been known to moon people.


* Chester says that Stone Temple Pilots had the most influence on his career. He first saw them when he was 14.


* Chester is from Phoenix, Arizona. He lives in the LA area now.


* When Chester was young he loved the movie 'Popeye' starring Robin Williams. He could rehearse the whole movie.


* Chester says he was a geek in high school.


* Chester thinks Aaliyah is hot.


* Thanks to his brother (who's 13 yrs older) Chester was influenced by bands like Loverboy, Foreigner and Rush.


* Chester got married at the age of 20 to his wife, Samantha.


* Chester and his wife have a son. His name is Draven Sabastian Bennington. He was born on April 19, 2002 at 1pm. Chester got the name from a movie called, "The Crow".


* Chester announced his 4 year anniversary to Samantha at the 10/31/00 Hollywood, CA show (They have got to be the greatest couple ever, both are so awesome and nice).


* Chester used to enjoy the hip hop genre (acts like the Sugarhill Gang and Slick Rick) between the ages of 10 and 14 before delving into the punk rock scene.


* The first album that made an impression on Chester was the Misfits.


* Chester's first instrument was the piano.


* Chester has his own "unique" thoughts on religion.


* Chester's defining moment, early in his career, was when he vomited on himself and some fans to finish the show.


* Chester's career highlight so far is making the "One Step Closer" video.


* Chester's favorite albums are Black Celebration, Purple, Zeppelin #4.


* Chester's musical role model is Robert Plant and Scott Weiland.


* Chester's greatest obsession is his music, which he started at age 13. He kept practicing until it hurt.


* Chester will never part with his guitar.


* Chester can't imagine being on the road without lubricant.


* Chester is a complete sucker for good beer.


* The strangest request Chester ever got from a fan was to have his clothes.


* The riskiest thing Chester has ever done was join the band.


* If Chester could be someone for a day, he'd be Orgasmo.


* If Chester could repeal one law it would be the legalization of marijuana.


* If Chester wasn't a musician right now, he'd be "an Average American doing average American things."


* Chester went to Greenway High School BUT graduated from Washington High School in 1994.


* Chester has two dogs: an Australian shepherd and a Rottweiler / Labrador mix.


* Chester once road a snow saucer down a cliff and went headfirst into a brick wall. He had to get 47 stitches. 


* Chester had a couple of friends commit suicide when he was growing up. "I also lost a friend in a tragic freak skateboarding accident. He was skateboarding down this little hill, hit a pebble and hit his head just right, and it was over. It can happen to you a million times when you're a kid, you fall down and hit your head-he just happened to hit the wrong spot." 


* Chester owns every Madonna record on the planet. 


* Chester's top five albums are: 1)Fugazi, 13 Songs 2)Al Green, Greatest Hits 3)Led Zeppelin, IV 4)The Beatles, the White Album 5)Stone Temple Pilots, Purple 


* Chester is the only member that needs a carrying-kit cargo case for his wardrobe. He's got shoes that go with every outfit, his underwear has to match his outfits, his socks have to match his shoes and his pants. Everything is a very big deal to him. 


* In airports Chester has to take off all his metal spike, bracelets, etc. and he has a little bag or something that he arranges them all on. They must be in the same place every time.


* Chester likes the movie the "Fight Club". 


* Chester likes to cook. 


* Chester's previous day job was as a coffee barista.


* Chester has been reading the Anne Rice 'Vampire Chronicles' series and "Hannibal," which he says is "an amazing book." 


* Chester has become addicted to 'Tony Hawk II', the second Tony Hawk skateboarding game...while on the tour bus. 


* Chester's a fan of the Arizona Cardinals football team.


* A good night out for Chester, back in Phoenix, is to go to a place like Axis Radius for dancing or Club Rio on Thursdays, for 25-cent draught beers.


* Chester's first band was called Grey Daze in 1993.


* Grey Daze was actually pretty popular and getting airplay in the Phoenix, AZ area but they never got signed. Eventually Chester got tired and had to move on.


* Chester was also upset that he was writing the lyrics by himself while all the band members took credit. 


* Awhile back someone posted on a message board and said they talked to Sean. He said Sean Dowdell from Grey Daze and Chester were supposedly best friends but parted because of personal differences. Both were too immature to reconcile. 


* Grey Daze NOW have a new lead female singer who replaced Chester and they go by the name: Waterface. They have nothing to do with Chester.