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Kaze Wildwing

Your name: Vick

Email address:

Screenname: VengerPeaceman

Character's Name: Kaze Wildwing

Age : 17

Good/Neutral/Bad: Neutral

Blood type: Hell Blood/ Human

Job: Dark Angel/Dragon/ Traveler

Money: $2000

Weapons: ???

Description: During my childhood years, I looked at the sky and said my life will be nothing but happiness until I die. It wasn't. I died before experiencing true love and happiness. I opened my lives when I died, and saw all the mistakes God made upon everyones souls. Was it really a good idea of working for good, as good makes mistakes? Or should I be the destroyer of good, and end the misery of those upon happiness? I made my choice, as I work, I work on the side of evil and darkness
