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Goddess of the Earth..God of the Dead


She is the goddess of the Earth and the living. She can be found in a land called Glorintine, the place where the waterfall meets the lake that is surrounded by irises. Her sacred animal is the Owl because it is as old and wise as herself. You can go see her when ever there is a problem with the Earth....i.e...flood, volcanic eruption, drought, no sunlight for a long period of time etc. To see her you must travel to Glorintine.


He is the god of the dead. You can find him gaurding the enterance to the gray, bottomless pit that has the River of Souls flowing through it. His sacred animal is the vulture. You can go see him when you want to bring someone back from the dead. However, do not spend no longer than 10 minutes in that place, otherwise, you will be forever trapped in that eternal gray, death-filled exsistence. Be also prepared to bargain, he only works in deals.