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Your name: Val

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Screenname: miaka22087

Character's Name: Mikomi

Age: unknown (looks about the age of 17)

Good/Bad/Neutral: Neutral

Blood type: Holy/Hells

Job: Hidden Angel

Money: $2000

Weapon: ??

Description: Im trying to find out who i am, and why im here. She is an angel in disguise, however, she is unaware of the fact that in her blood from her father she has Dark Angel's blood running through her veins. Lost in her ways of trying to figure out who she is and why she's here all things slowly will start to become apparant to her. which side she chooses to fight for in the end however...... is one thing left to the gods themselves.

Not much is known about this other side of Mikomi. All that is known is that, she knows stuff about who and what someone is, like as if she has been watching over them. Also she seems to have a lust to kill certain things...


Name: Azeal
Animal: Griffon
Description: Azeal is a female griffion and has special traits of her own. She is a rare kind of her species, she is able to speak in human toung as of her own language. During the mage wars she has been taught in her wing (group) to be able to fly fast and fight well, as well as use many sorts of magic.
Age: 200 yrs. old
Skills: Magic skills in all sorts of elements, skilled in fighting hand to hand as well as skilled in flight.
Adoption date: 02/20/03
