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Your name: *Soda*

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Screenname: LilElvenRocker

Character's Name: Vilvadias

Age: 16 (In human years)

Good/Bad/Neutral: Good...although she does break the rules every once in a while... ;o) I guess ya call that dents in the halo..

Blood type: Elf/Holy

Job: Singer/Hidden Angel

Money: $2000

Weapon(s): Metal Claws

Description (why are you here?): So, you want to know about me? Let's see, I'm a happy-go-lucky girl, and being that im only a teenager in human years, that means I'm a pretty young elf...therefore I don't get paid attention to much. I sing. Yeah. Anyway, I was orphaned at a young age because outside invaders destroyed my village and killed off my family and many other townpeople.

Unfortunately, I was not in town to help because I was with the deep forest with the elven priest trying to figure out why my powers were different from everyone elses.

After that, I never wanted to think about my power again. I thought I was cursed because I wasn't like everyone else, and if it weren't for these powers, I might have been able to save my village, or maybe I could have been in the otherworld with those who died. But the priest told me something that I will never forget, and tis the reason I keep on living today:

" Vilvadias, dear child, everything happens for a reason. Some things may be wonderful...and others may be horrible, but in the end, all of the events in our lives, the roads we take, and the actions we make fall into place in the end. You cannot change that, and nor should you run from it to avoid it happening again. If you believe in your soul that you are strong enough that you could have saved our village...then you are surely strong enough to face destiny dead one, my child, and takes hardships as they come, but always remember to keep those who you have lost in the back of your mind always...and fight for them for as long as you live."

And that's why I'm here.

Name: Mesto

Animal: Pheonix

Description: Mesto first comes to Vil in a battle, and proves to be just as strong as Vil, even though he's a bird. Mesto stays with Vil, from that point on, and shows off extremely mad magic skills in battle. Mesto is a super fast flyer, and when he dies, and then raises from his own ashes, it scares Vil every time. hahaha, ain't he a lil stinker...

Age: A couple days old.

Skills: Revive those who are near death, cure Dark Magic Diseases, Fire Spells, and It's tears can bring someone back from death.

Adoption Date: 03/04/03
