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Through Arrogant Words

I dint know that the world could make you change so easily/I didnt know that youre arrogant words could take a part of me/What about the times that we said that we'd never change/Well now you've contradicted everything you said/Cos everything you are is inside your head/

Where is your priority?/I sense it deep inside of me/Where is your integrity/And the things we said we'd never leave/

In & Out

Im falling in and Im falling out/Im living a life full of doubt/Im a denial out of mind/Seeking You but when will I find/

Im standing up,not backing down/Im pressing on torwards the crown/Im falling down on my knees/Oh Lord would you live in me/

Im running this race full speed ahead/I will not fail this path I tread/My heart is aching, my life is breaking/Its my will that I go on/And live this life till the good Lord comes/

Im living this life day by day/Even if things dont go my way/Im gonna love you till the day I die/And until now I didnt know why/

Just Another Day

Sitting here close minded and alone/Looking back on things already gone/Im so blind I cant even find myself/I can only see the part thats left/

Slowly but surely theres a way/ Never know whats gonna happen today/So I just give my life to you/Because its only you that can pull me through/

Sitting here so lonesome and so down/Maybe things will be better next time around/Selfish thoughts that defile me and who I am/Soon Im broken and bruised, its just another letdown/


Why do I keep on falling down/Why does further seem forever/Why do I keep looking around/Why do you never say never/

Why do my questions remain unanswered/Why are my words still hid/Why do you still choose to love me/After all the things I did/

Youre the only one who even knows me/Youre the only one who even cares/Open my eyes and let me see/Let me notice that youre still there/Your love is what pulls me in/Without you I wont be whole/But in your loving arms is the only peace I know/

How can you keep forgetting whats behind/And choose to love me again/How could I take advantage of the only one who's been my friend/

Derrick wrote this one just for fun one day, but it sounds like a hit, so we decided to put it on here.

Krispy Cream

I don't realize all these things/What can these donuts mean/When I look into your eyes/I see a box of Krispy Kream/

Round and with a hole in the middle/These donuts must be a riddle/Im confused,what can this mean?/Why am I so in love with Krispy Kream?/

Jelly filled,chocolate covered and glazed/These donuts make me fell amazed/Eating all these donuts is my dream/Because im in love with Krispy Kream/

When your heart's on fire/Eat a donut, it's your desire/Herbal Essences may be the thing/But not after you eat a donut ring/A P.S, dont forget/Im in love with Krispy Kream/

When youre sad and have lost your way/Throw all the generic donuts away/Grab your car keys and go out the door/Then buy some Krispy Kream at your local grocery store/ Copyright of Broken Chains