June.9/03 Hello. yay its my bday today...just so you all know *wink* Anyway..I got one of the pics Gregg had sent me up today...the other 2 are giving me issues for some reason and I am trying to figure out why. I will let you know when I have finally figured out what the problem is and get them up. But go check out the pics section for the new addition. I will let you know as I get more news on the bass player himself. You will hear from me soon.
June.8/03 Hello all. sorry about the extended break as things have been really crazy around here....don't ask...anyway I am just letting you know to stop in the site again tomorrow as tomorrow morning I will be putting up some pics that Gregg sent to me. I will be once again updating as much as possible so keep checkin in. That is all for now.
May.17/03Ok...I have to get this off my chest..I obviously have upset someone who has signed the guestbook.I apologize for my actions and shouldn't have deleted your first post. I just don't take to criticism very well. I would've emailed you personally but you put in a fake email.Its just it is very hard to find news on Gregg and I work hard trying to do so...that is the only reason I didn't put your post up and I apologize.
May.12/03>Hello my people! The con is on! It is in the process of being planned right now but so far it is Oct 2003 in the Philly area somewhere. Go here for all the latest info on that...whether you would like to help out or if you are just curious.Many people have been working hard on this and would like to hear your ideas,comments etc about stuff.Don't be shy...please join up.....the more the merrier. Thats it for now.....until next time.
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