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Schwoe News and Updates

Thursday, August 7
There's nothing new really. I, Chris, am going to the Warped Tour tomorrow and will have a full review in August. I mainly decided to post this to inform the world that Dan is no longer with us. If you'd like to replace him, contact me Oh yes, September is going to be packed.-Chris M.

Thursday, July 25
Some new interviews featuring Falling for Alba are up. We'd also like to thank FfA for plugging us not only on the site, but also in their mailing list! As usual, the reviews are up as well, but with the exception of new band DVD reviews. We have a new staff member. He's Mick, and he'll be handling the subscriptions(a page with info on subscribing will be up later today). Expect this page to have less updates now, seeing as Schwoe is put out once a month, but it won't hurt you to check back. Who knows, there might be a contest or some crazy shenanigans like that. That's it, that's all. -Mr. K

Monday, July 21
Well, everything is up on the site earliar then expected. I know I said it would be up Monday or Tuesday, but that was me being a)optimistic, and b)a liar. I know I said I have a surprise, but that's cancelled. I was going to make Schwoe Forums, but that causes many pop-ups, and also, it will prevent something else. Soon, we will have a page where you can subscribe to the email version of Schwoe, which will have more then you see on this site, including release dates among much more. The next Schwoe edition should be ready by Friday, so that means you can expect some more reviews and/or interviews. -Mr. K

Sunday, July 19, 2003
Well, most of the site is up. All that's left is the reviews, a few interviews and the Band of the Month page. Also, as you die-hard Schwoe fans (yeah, both of you) may already know, Schwoe has been plugged by a band! Falling for Alba promoted their upcoming interview by Schwoe on their site. Go check them out. As for the site, I plan to have it done by Monday or Tuesday at the latest. Also, there will be something else coming up on the site, although it may come up later then Tuesday. What is it? It's a surprise, that even the owners of this place don't know about. Trust me, you'll ALL like it! -Mr. K

Thursday, July 17, 2003
Welcome to Schwoe, Version 2. Instead of the one plain page site we had be before, we've updated to angelfire, and now we have this new concept called "links". This will be a fad that catches on, and Schwoe has gotten the head-start! Within the next few days, expect the site to be finished, with all the previous interviews, CD reviews and all that other crazy stuff you've all grown acustom to. Keep checking in here for all the updates, and try this new "links" thing. I swear, you won't regret it!