It was by a freak coincidence that Zoë and Chloe met that cold Seattle summer night in August. Chloe had just gotten back from a music festival, and Zoë was on The Worst Date Ever. By chance, they both conviened at the exact same Denny's Restaurant. Zoë Capone looked up from her disasterous bowl of grits and saw her destiny walk in.
And that destiny...was Chloe Ramone.
Zoë invited Chloe and her enterage of Mohawk-Bearers and Pseudo-Bohemians to join her and The Real Estate Agent From Hell at their table in the corner. Chloe accepted, and from that moment on, the two were inseperable.
Months later, Zoë Capone and Chloe Ramone realized that their names rhymed. They, the geniuses that they are, deemed this the basis for starting a band.
Incidentally, Chloe was swept off of her feet by a dreamy man named John R. Catastrophe, who, days later, met his final fate when he stepped in front of a runaway freight train near Auburn's mainstreet.
Chloe, devestated, saught solice in music.
Zoë is still looking for love.
Combining Chloe's refined taste in Punk Rawk (we're cool cause we spell it wrong) and Zoë's HardXcore (once again; COOL) nature, a beautiful melodious hybrid arose from the flaming ashes of such an explosion of emotion that they knew the world's ears would never
be the same.
They called this miracle


Almost immediately, the musical duo met Joey Malone: a keyboardist/vocalist/bohemian extreme. They knew they couldn't let this treasure slip from their hands, so Chloe and Zoë asked Joey to join Tyrannicide, and, WOULDN'T YOU KNOW IT, Joey accepted.

Three weeks later, Chloe and Joey discovered that they just happened to be brother and sister.

Tyrannicide still awaits its drummer and bassist. If you're interested, and are from the Puget sound area, AND are crazy and/or angry, please e-mail us ASAP.


Thus: history is and shall forever be