Tyrannicide's Ingenious; Deep; Beautiful Verbal Masterpieces

99% Fluffy Baby: Our first album

Please keep in mind the really bad songs are just jokes. We're legit. Too legit to quit.

1.) The Song No One Would Sing
Lyrics Pending

2.) Your Poor Mother (Sorry Sharie)
I'm sorry Sharie, you're a whore
A mayo-lovin' ho

I'm sorry Sharie, you're a slut
A pickle-lickin' cunt

I don't know why I'm still friends with you
You smell like old tuna
I don't know why I still talk to you
I'd turn back time if I coulda

I'm sorry Sharie, you're a dick
A dumpster-humping prick

I'm sorry Sharie, you're an ass
Your mom should've left you in the trash

Your mother should've gotten an abortion long ago
Cause now she has a daughter who's a mayo-lovin' ho


I'm sorry Sharie, you're a dumb
A maggot-bearing sack of scum

I'm sorry Sharie, you're a bastard
That's why your relationships don't last(ard)


I don't know why I'm still here with you
It really sucks that I'm you

3.) Hardcore Patriotism
Land of the brave
And the more brave
And the Americans
And the more Americans
And the brave Americans
And the more brave Americans
And liberty...
And more liberty.