
Jay Albinger

Age: 17
Birthday: May 5th 1986
Location: your mom
Use in the band: Lead guitar/band whore
Favorite Bands: AFI, the Misfits, Rancid, Less than Jake, Catch 22, Hot Rod Circuit, Strike Anywhere, Anti-Flag, One Man Army, Good Charlotte, TATU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite show played: Mr Smalls in April.
Favorite groupie moment: Fox Chapel Chick run in. She actually screamed.
Likes: skating, food, the occasional long walk on the beach, the internet, my cat, Troy.
Dislikes: Posers, rain, phone books, starvation, Kyle.
Favorite Saying: Dreams can become a reality, but you can't sit back and wait. No one can make it happen besides you.

Troy Grzybowski

Age: 17
Birthday: February 5th, 1986
Location: Shaler (it's a world chock full of kings and lizards...)
Use in the band: Bassist
Favorite Bands: Blink-182, Midtown, Billy Talent, AFI, Hot Hot Heat, Jimmy Eat World, Guttermouth
Favorite show played: Battle of the Bands at Metropol.
Favorite groupie moment: When a girl crowdsurfed up to the stage and grabbed my hat and ran. (Jay: She just liked the hat)
Likes: Annie, recording songs, playing battles, Lizzie McGuire, Super Nintendo, short walks on the beach, Ho-Ho's,skating, Jay
Dislikes: Pine trees (they hurt), fish, Spongebob Squarepants, annoying people, Kyle.
Favorite saying: Believe in yourself, cause no one else will. ~Mest

Kyle Wright

Age: 17
Birthday: December 7th, 1985
Location: Etna, PA (mean streets of etna, what?)
Use in the band: Drummer
Favorite Bands: White Padded Walls, Misfits, Goldfinger, Mest, Thursday, Thrice, The Explosion, New Found Glory
Favorite show played: Mr Smalls in November.
Favorite groupie moment: What's a groupie?
Likes: ALL Girls, Alcoholics Anonymous, medium length walks on the beach
Dislikes: the sun (it's hot),school, Jay and Troy.
Favorite Saying: -
