


Well let's see. It starts out with Jay Albinger and Zak Piekarski. Bored one day, they realized how much they loved music and decided to start a band. They both knew how to play guitar so figured, what the hell, we'll play guitar! Then a dark thought came over their mind..We need a bass player! Ok, so it wasn't that dark. They immediately called up Troy Grzybowski and asked him what he thought about picking up a bass and playing for the band. Needless to say, he was psyched! Next, they went on search for a drummer. They turned to their very good friend Paul Lionel to play drums. He played in the school band *snickers* so they knew he was good. They finally all got together in the summer of 1999. They came up with the ever famous name, "Guys Gone Wrong" (yes ladies and gents, it's a rip of the Girls Gone Wild movies.) Well, as it turns out, they might have been better off being called, "The We Don't Know What We're Doing's" because well, they didn't. They only wrote one song of their own, "9th Grade Girls Hate Us", and played about 1 party. The summer of 2000 came quickly and for his own reasons near the end of summer, Paul left the band. Stuck without a drummer, they wrote more songs they could use until they found one. March of 2001, Kyle Wright came into the picture. Troy had heard around school that Kyle was the most kickin drummer around. They asked him about the band, and he immediately joined. With Paul being gone and Kyle being new, they changed the name of the band to Happy Go Die. Yeah, don't you just see the happiness of that band name popping out everywhere? Anyway's, Happy Go Die played a lot of shows, a lot of parties, and in the bleakness of Jay's basement, badly recorded a few songs. As of April 2002, the band has changed yet again. Zak is no longer in the band, (RIP man.)and since October 2001, the name has been White Padded Walls. Members are Jay, Troy, and Kyle.