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You Are a Punk Rocker!
When it comes to rock, you don't follow any rules You know that rocking out is all about taking down the man You've got an incredible stage presence and rock persona You scare moms, make bad girls swoon, and live life on the edge!

What Kind of Rocker Are You?

How evil are you?

Quote:"Time ties together our memories and it doesn't give us more rope or cut us short it just goes on."

You have the ability of time. You can control how and when things happen. You might say somthing like something is going to break in 2 minutes and it does. People get freaked out but you don't seem to mind. You also have knowledge that others cannot possibly begin to understand. You have seen sadness, love, hope, pain, loss, happiness, anger, and jealousy. You know how things were and how things will be like in the near future. You may have a grim outlook because you see so much of what the world misses and thats how much everyone ande everything suffers. You wish you had the ability to show them just how much it feels to be someone more unfortunate then them so that they could understand. But you can't and you become angry at them for not trying to change, They say they do but look around they can't even help the people and things around them. You are a sad person who carries the pain of the world. The person who carries the real weight of the world on thier shoulders.

~Inside us there is a hidden ability we cannot understand sometimes, What is yours?~(Beautiful pictures and quotes)
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You are the Angel of Death. You may be a bit morbid, but you are not a bad person- you are probably very kind, actually. You are quite interesting, but not very many people like you because they think you are weird. You contemplate things a lot, and often find yourself asking 'why'.

What are you the Angel of?
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The Movie Of Your Life Is A Cult Classic
Quirky, offbeat, and even a little campy - your life appeals to a select few. But if someone's obsessed with you, look out! Your fans are downright freaky. Your best movie matches: Office Space, Showgirls, The Big Lebowski
If Your Life Was a Movie, What Genre Would It Be?

Your A Fuckin Bad ass.. (Your the kind of person that rolls with me!)

How Bad Ass Are You?
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Throwing stars
You are the Japanese ninja.
You have flexible, quick and powerful movements. You don't necissarily need weapons, but when you use them, you prefer the samurai swords. Your an agile person and you like to multi-task. You chalenge yourself in area's which you excell in but don't have enouh confidence to show it off. Your special weapon are throwing stars, because their a challenge to control, and you're pretty good with long distance weapons. Throwing knives take a lot of skill to use, luckily you're a pretty fast learner.

What's your fighting style?
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You are a cerberus. A cerberus is a massive, black, three-headed dog. In Greek mythology there was a cerberus that guarded the gates of Hades, near the river Styx. The cerberus represents all that is dark and evil. The cerberus stands for death, darkness, despair, and degradation. The cerberus is a fearsome creature that is intimidating and ominous. It is violent and ill-tempered.

Which mythical creature resides in your soul? (11 Results + Pictures)
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you draw your energy from the danger of life...They do bad things because the negative part of their own personality is expressing itself. To deny this side of yourself is to give it power over you, and to give it free reign over your life will eventually destroy you... you are often found doing something you shouldn't be doing... whether it toilet papering a grump nieghbor... or even just out riding a harley or chopper.. you love the danger of the world ... so enjoy those rickety roller coasters and sharp turn on the road at 75 MPH... just beware of where it takes you...

where do you draw your energy (with pics)
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You are Dude. You're weird and totally random. You're probably obsessed with Call of Duty. You like to tease people. In your spare time you make up witty or sarcastic comments and bang your head into walls. You're above averagely intellingent but not really ready to show it. Go you.

What random person in my class are you? (there're only guy results...sorry lassies...)
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